Sunday, July 22, 2007

Is Our Nation Pleasing God?

It makes me wonder, how does a Nation like the United States of America reach the point where we no longer love God. I know the Nation is filled with "Churches" and most people will call themselves "Christians" but it is under false pretenses. Americans goes to church on Sunday morning and curses God in the afternoon. I have noticed that some "churches" even curse God at church. Churches today are full of nothing but games, toys, and rock-n-roll. None of this brings glory to the name of God and does not glorify His Son Jesus the Christ. Let's please not forget what the Lord said in Romans 1:21 "Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened." I am not saying they do not have a great zeal about them to worship God, but God is still not pleased, Romans 10:2 "For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge."

What really makes me sick is to see "churches" and "Pastors" seek to justify the ungodly behaviour of our time. I must ask where has our ambition to satisfy God rather than man went too. We have "churches" and "Pastors" today justifying homosexuality and abortion in today's pulpits. I remember when Pres. Clinton had done his thing in office, Pastor after Pastor could not get on T.V. fast enough to justify his sins. Where was the condemnation? There was none because supporting a President was more important than supporting God's law. Romans 13:14 "But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof."
Now this brings to our Nation, which is in such sad condition the only thing that will solve the problem is the return of our Lord. We have sit back and allowed the Liberals in this Nation take over and spoil our Nation. They have taken the greatest Nation on the face of the earth and made it like the world. I do not know how one can be a liberal and a Christian at the same time, what do you have your eyes closed? Look at what they stand for and then ask yourself, can I support this and God? People we need to wake-up! Then they are those who are so righteous that they allow these liberals suppress their vote by pointing out all of the sins of the Republican candidates. I remember a article the last election that I read from some pastor stating, we really showed them by not voting, yes you did and now look at what we have in Washington today trying to run the show. You showed us all what kind of fools you all are.

Let's wake-up folks and take back our Nation, lets stop allowing these liberal to control our thinking and put it back into at least some sort of godly hands. Those of you who have left the chruches of truth need to come back and stop filling your lust for earthly things and began to serve the Lord once again.