Psalms 5:5 “The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.”
We find in the world of religion today such a great misunderstanding of the scriptures that most pastors should be ashamed to preach on Sunday morning. There is in churches today such a great empathies on John 3:16 that other scriptures such as Psalms 5:5 are ignored completely. Please understand John 3:16 is a most wonderful verse and has such a great and wonderful meaning that it disserves much expounding upon in today’s pulpits, however only in it’s true meaning. With Psalms 5:5 and John 3:16 put side by side and put in the context most Pastors preach about John 3:16 greatly contradict God’s word and the first thought every young Minister should learn is God’s word never contradicts itself. Psalms 5:5 is such a profound verse that it condemns all sinners in totality, and puts mankind in a true light as a sinner and the scriptures hath concluded that God hates sinners. We hear so much about God hating sin that some choose to forget that it is the sinner that God truly hates. Now this is not to say God doesn’t hate sin because He does in fact, He hates everything connected with sin, even the one doing the act. If this is true then how is it possible that God loves all of mankind? We hear the old false line “Jesus loves everyone” and that is impossible because God has just concluded that He does not. We must understand God’s true relationship with sin and the sinner in order to understand better grace, mercy, and love. Once we understand how much God hates sin and the sinner then we understand God’s salvation and how salvation is by grace and through faith and how “we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus” Ephesians 2:8 – 10. God hates the sinner so much that He has created an eternal punishment in a place called HELL where the fire never extinguishes nor the worm ever dies (that is the suffering and desire to exit ever stops). Man has such a desire to make themselves loved of God that they misuse the scriptures to justify their thinking. John 3:16 is the greatest of examples of this. How is it possible that God loves every living soul and that He wills none to go to hell if He hates the sinner? Well this is were another false concept come into view, they say Psalms 5:5 means that God only hates the worse sinners among us, but this theory still shows to be false because if they suppose that God loves every sinner, then it must be remembered we are suppose to tell everyone that God loves them therefore this concept doesn’t hold water either.
Let us now focus on John 3:16 and the misunderstanding of it. This scripture has been much debated and the reason for this is because I do not believe anyone wants to proclaim the true meaning because they fear hurting someone’s feelings. I have found that John Gill gives the best commentary of this; “Not every man in the world is here meant, or all the individuals of human nature; for all are not the objects of God's special love, which is here designed, as appears from the instance and evidence of it, the gift of his Son: nor is Christ God's gift to every one; for to whomsoever he gives his Son, he gives all things freely with him; which is not the case of every man…the objects of God's special love, and to them Christ is given, and they are brought to believe in him, and shall never perish, but shall be saved with an everlasting salvation; yet rather the Gentiles particularly, and God's elect among them, are meant; who are often called "the world", and "the whole world", and "the nations of the world", as distinct from the Jews.” This commentary by Gill makes so much sense because the word “world means - orderly arrangement, that is, decoration” - and the word “decoration” means - an item, usually one of a group, attached to something to make it look more attractive – or one elected of God before the foundation of the world (one of a group) that (make it look more attractive) through Jesus Christ. Not the entire population but rather those elected by God.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
God Hates The Workers Of Iniquity
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
1:28 PM
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Who Is Your God?
Jeremiah 10:10 “But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation.”
When I ask who your God is, I am asking what God do you truly worship? Do you worship the true God or do you worship a fictitious (not true or genuine) god? Many people will tell me we all worship the same God however after talking to them and comparing our understanding of who God is I simply do not believe we do worship the same God. I worship Jehovah God which is truth, not simply a God of truth but is truth in nature. Jesus Christ reminded us in John 14:6 “…I am the way, the truth, and the life…” He is not “a way” He is the only way, He is not “a life” but He is life itself, and He is not “a truthful person” but rather He is truth. Jesus Christ is all three of these things by nature plus many more; it is not simply part of his nature but rather His total nature. When you speak of eternal life you speak of Him, when you speak of the way to heaven you speak only of Him, and when you speak of truth you also speak of Him. There is no lie in Him He is truth and truth by nature. We can be truthful in this life but we are not truth by nature, however that is what Jesus Christ was while on this earth He never lied. So who is your God, is He truth and only truth? Titus 1:2 "In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;” As we look into the prophecies of the Old Testament we see that they have all been fulfilled except for those still yet to be. There is not one lie in the bible, not one, it is total truth and must be because it is the breath of God.
So again I ask who is your God? Is He a living God or is He an idol or an image or maybe a figment of your imagination. My God is alive; I know this because He lives in my heart. I have a picture of Him but only in the scriptures and I can only see Him with my eye of faith, but this I will conclude; He is real and He is truth and I can believe every word He had declared to me in His word. Beloved any thing out side of this is a false idol. We have no pictures of God in any shape or form therefore any sort of worship of images or statues are false worship at the least. My God is real and He alone created the world and all that is within it, He alone sent His beloved Son to this wicked world in the form of the Son of Man in order to be a sufficient sacrifice to die for our eternal life, and it was God Who delivered my unworthy soul from eternal destruction. Is this the God you worship?
Truth, it means - a verified or indisputable fact – this is what God is and every part of His being is. Now we as sinners could never be this by nature however this is what we are to strive for as Christians. We are to be like Him and that would include being truthful and honest. If we are truthful and if we worship the same God then why do so many Christians lie to their children about a fictitious man named Santa Claus? Now I know that some Christians do not consider this to be a lie but rather a “white lie” however a lie is a lie, isn’t it? Churches have a fake Santa to visit their churches, and it is not just Santa what about the Easter Bunny he also normally makes a visit, do they not understand these two figments of imagination become for this short time a god (that is one due worship) to their children? So I ask would God that is Jehovah God approve of these two visiting churches? Are not these two false idols to our children to worship. Beloved it is wrong to lie to your children and it is also more wrong for churches to do it and Pastors to approve of it. Teach them about the birth of Jesus Christ and don’t substitute Him for an idol.
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
8:48 PM
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The Preservation Of God
2 Peter 2:9 “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:”
Two main points we need to focus on here; (1.) “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations…” and (2.) “…and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:” Please notice that God does both, He delivers the godly and He also reserves the unjust, this is the same God that the average Religionist Pastor will tell you God cannot change mans will. The godly spoken of here is those who have been saved by God’s wonderful grace and the unjust is all that did not receive His wonderful grace and is lost and will die lost. Some will say these “unjust” are the very evil ones among us and chances are great they will never decide to choose Jesus as their Saviour and there is nothing that God can do to change their minds, but doesn’t that theory contradict what the actual verse says? If God delivers the “godly” and reserves the unjust then can’t God deliver evil men as He chooses, i.e. Saul of Tarsus also know as the Apostle Paul. If God says that all are ungodly and that none seek Him (Romans 3:10 - 11 "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: (11.) There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.") then how else is it that man seems to imagine it is not God that changes mans will?
First, “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations…” God not only knows how to deliver His beloved elect (the chosen ones) to salvation but He also knows how to preserve them from sin. The Lord does not save us and than allow us to walk alone in this evil world but rather walks with us everyday of our Christian life. Satan is not one who only enjoys to tempt the lost to do evil but he gets a greater satisfactory in causing the godly to sin. It is only by the work of God that we do not fall into Satan’s temptations. Please remember he also tempted the man Christ Jesus. God cannot be tempted and Satan is no fool as to even think that tempting God would advantage him, therefore he tempted the Son of Man in hopes there was a weak point but as we all have read there was not one. But just as He did not fall into temptation we also do not have too. God kept the Son of Man from sin and He can also keep us from sinning. Christians sometimes want to think of themselves as strong enough to overcome Satan’s temptations but it is God keeping us from sinning. God preserves those that He has chosen to do certain works i.e. Pastors, Deacons, church members, and etc. other wise how else can His will be an absolute.
Secondly, “…and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:” This a much harder fact for most to swallow than the teaching of election and preservation, because while the godly are kept in most part pure by God the non-elect are kept in their evil state also by the power of God. Please notice what the scripture says; “to reserve the unjust unto” the word “reserve” means - to guard by keeping the eye upon – That is God keeps them evil and therefore they will never change their evil ways. Please understand God does not cause them to be evil, that credit goes to Satan but without God’s grace they will never change their ways, and they will be evil until the day of judgment and they are cast into the lake of fire. God has no pity on them and never will, they reject God here today and will always reject God until the day in which they all bow before Him and give Him the credit due His name.
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
7:37 PM
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Someday, every knee shall bow and confess Jesus Christ is Lord!
"Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. (23.) I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. Isaiah 45:22-23
As we enter the Christmas season I would like to call your attention once again to the hatred toward Jesus Christ that worldly people have. Now please understand not every Christian is full of Christmas cheer but for a different reason than the haters in this world of Jesus Christ. Some Christians simply do not want to celebrate a Pagan holiday created on a false concept by the Catholic Church that focuses on lies and phoniness at best. Whether or not Christmas was created to celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus is to most Christians irrelevant, because we have seen what it has became and that is full of lies and at the least maybe a year long heartaches for so many who go into debt just to celebrate a Pagan holiday. Christmas is a time of lies and untruths in that it has been shown not to be a Church or Christian involved holiday. Now I do not want to be a party pooper, if you celebrate Christmas then that is your choice, because we all do to a point enjoy benefits of the holiday whether we like it or not. If you work you get a paid holiday, or maybe a Christmas bonus, or maybe something that is related to Christmas and I have not known anyone who wants to give those things up, however for the most part there are a lot of Christians that will not celebrate the season and that is their right after all it is not a biblical holiday, the birth of Christ Jesus is but not Christ-Mass. Is Christmas truly about the birth of Jesus Christ or is it about Santa Claus, is it truly about miracles as the movies proclaim, is it about the gift giving that put so many in debt, or is it about tree decorations that according to the book of Jeremiah this also is unscriptural Jeremiah 10:2 - 4 "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. (3.) For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. (4.) They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." I believe to call Christmas a Christian holiday is very sad and this is why, so many Christians refuse to celebrate it. As for those who choose to celebrate it we still love you because we are all one in Christ Jesus.
Now with that being said let us get back to those who hate Christmas because they hate Jesus Christ. We are now seeing more and more schools and Governments bowing down to groups like the ACLU and other God hating groups that have refused Christmas displays and Christmas programs because they simply hate Jesus Christ. Our Schools and Government bow down to these groups because they fear them and their God hating lawyer and have been filled with a leadership that grew up in the downfall of America of the Sixties and Seventies, a time of war protest, the expanding of drugs, woman instead of being a help-mate wanting to control, and a time we all saw America forever change and churches empty for religions that do not fear God but rather attempt to control God. Beloved you add all of those ingredients and you have today’s America. But let us look to the future and these same God hating people will one day bow and confess Jesus Christ to be Lord and this glorious event will happen at the judgment of this lost world before the Great White Throne of Jesus Christ. Heed the warning because you will confess His name sooner or later. Romans 14:11 "For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God." Philippians 2:10 “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;”
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
8:43 PM