"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.(7.) Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." John 3:3, 7
Well it is a fact I trust the entire word of God, and without question. However, when I read the words of Jesus Christ it just gives it a little more unction, I don't know why it is all His word. Here we see this ruler of the Jews who is clueless about heaven and getting there. So he ask Jesus a very powerful question (how do I get to heaven), and Jesus gives him a very powerful answer, "Ye must be born again." What this answer does is it leaves no possible doubt that one must be born again to ever see or enter heaven. The reason this question came to my mind is this week I saw a "place of worship" (some places, it would be an insult to the Lord's churches to call them a church) that had a sign in front of it that read "They that want to get to heaven, must have a plan" (maybe not an exact quote but the same non-the-less) and it made me wonder, what kinda plan? I have to put this sign in the class of the dumbest signs ever, right with the one I saw in Tyler, Texas that read "God could not be everywhere at once so He created Mothers" and yes it was Mothers Day week. People this weak in mind biblically should not be allowed to put up signs. The only plan in salvation or getting to heaven is God's plan which is in the person of Jesus Christ. You can ask 50 different kind of preachers how to be born again and you will most likely get 50 different ways to be saved. However, there is only one way to be saved and that is God's way. God point blank answered that question through the Apostle Paul in Acts 16:30, 31 "And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? (31.) And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved..." Jesus so boldly answered the question in John 3:5 "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." The water here is the natural birth and the Spirit is the Holy Spirit. Now let us understand the birthing of the Holy Spirit is a process, it starts with a calling by the Holy Spirit Romans 8:14, then it is a quickening Ephesians 2:1, 5, then there is a delivery of faith Galatians 5:22 and Galatians 3:23, then there is a believing and a promise of deliverance John 3:15. This is the plan and it most certainly is not our plan it is God's plan and that make it a plan without error or failure. All other plans are false and failed. There is no works on our part, no church membership, no baptism needed, no nothing else. I know there are a lot of differences of opinion on this and man makes it sound as though that salvation is something we do, something we accomplish, however God without question says the natural man will never change who he is. If God does not change the sinner then the sinner is doomed for eternal damnation. You can listen to man hack away at the word of God and cut it to pieces to make a doctrine of damnation into a doctrine of salvation. There is a proper way to be saved and to see the kingdom of God but it is in the plan of God which is through Jesus Christ. Any thing else takes the glory away from Jesus Christ, it is he who died, it is he who rose on the third day, and it is he who sits on Gods right hand. It is he who judges and he who condemns Romans 8:34. It is all Him and nothing else, and no one will ever be born from above without Him in their hearts. Only His blood can cleanse all our sins, therefore it is only in Him that we can be fully clean and white. Man or the Son of man, who do you believe?