“Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the
knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, According as his divine power hath
given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the
knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:” 2 Peter 1:2 – 3
Saturday, May 26, 2018
The Beautiful Grace Of God.
I am simply amazed every time I see Gods grace in my
life. Paul said “But by the grace of God I am what I am” 1Cor. 15:10 if I am
what God wants me to be then how can I ever complain? God has made me His
child, I understand the trials of life, the persecutions of life, even the
heart aches of life, but I am a child of the Living God, what else could I
want. This is how I see it, even with all the sufferings of life, God chose for
me to send His Beloved Son Jesus to this evil world and to suffer death on my
part to give to me eternal life. Look at what God said through Peter, “But we
see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering
of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should
taste death for every man...For it became him, for whom are all things, and
by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the
captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.” Hebrews 2:9 –
10 Now give this a little thought, Jesus who created all things, whom is the
image of God, who is God, gave His life for me. He came to this world, lived
here for about 33 years, and allowed His own creation to crucify Him, to
give to me eternal life. God said through Paul that Jesus is “…the captain
of their salvation perfect through sufferings.” Jesus is the Captain of our
salvation because of His living and dying for our righteousness. By Captain it
means He is also our leader in life, death, and resurrection. We as Christians
ought to live our life for the Father, because Jesus did. We need to live in
the steps of Jesus, even if life leads us through much tribulations and
eventually to death. If God did it, then should we also do it. Listen to Jesus
because as a Christian’s this should be our pattern in life, “I can of mine own
self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I
seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.” John
5:30 Jesus came to this world to do the will of His Father, NOT TO DO HIS OWN
WILL. Sometimes as Christians, we seek our own will over our Fathers will, this
is a no, no. God saved us, Jesus died for us, therefore we belong to God, our personal
will in life, our personal desires in life do not matter, only God’s will matter.
Jesus was not selfish, He gave His life in a very horrible way because His
Father sent Him here to die for our sins. We look at our life and we say
that God has brought me to it, and My Father will make sure to walk me through
it. God does not ever leave us, and we should never leave the Lord for personal
reasons or any other reason. Even if it leads us through the fires of life,
Jesus is our Captain, He leads the way, we just need to follow Him, even to
death. God’s grace is powerful, and we need to lean on His grace in every trial,
tribulation, sickness and even death. Grace, oh how wonderful is Gods grace to
us. If it were not for God’s wonderful grace I would still be lost, and hell
bound. If it were not for God’s grace I would be naked and without. God’s grace
is everything to me, so if God leads me through the fire I will walk through it
by His beautiful, marvelous grace. Folks never forget what God told us through
Peter, “his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life
and godliness,”. What happens to me is happening because God brought it to me,
He chose it for me, and I will suffer it for my Father. I pray that my
Father will not ever allow me to put self’s will and desires before His will
and desires for me, no matter what. Let us remember the words of John Newton
“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me....I once was
lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see. T'was Grace that taught...my
heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved How precious did that Grace appear...the
hour I first believed…” Jesus our Captain leads the way lets just follow the
captain through life, even if it leads to death, and eventually will.
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
6:54 AM
Saturday, May 19, 2018
God’s Spiritual House.
1 Peter 2:5 “Ye also, as lively stones, are built
up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices,
acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.”
Peter here speaks of a “spiritual house” spiritual
meaning - non-carnal – in nature, or one
that has been saved, once saved we are spiritual and non-carnal. Now the word “house”
means - a dwelling, by implication a family – It is like your family living
together in a house, except this house is spiritual and not framed together in
one location for dwelling. God said we who are saved are “lively stones, and are
built up a spiritual house” which means we are spiritually built together to
make a spiritual building. Now what makes us spiritual stones, and bricks in
this spiritual house, we are “acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.” Lost people are not spiritual, they are
spiritually dead and cannot be a part of this spiritual house. The Lord said in
verse 6 “…I lay in Sion a chief corner stone…” which is Jesus Christ, as well
as the foundation. “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which
is Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3:11 He is also the foundation of the
church, “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I
will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew
16:18 Peter is not the foundation of the church, Jesus was comparing himself “a
Petra - mass of rock” or a massive rock, which Jesus is to Peter which is a “Petros
- a (piece of) rock” now if you where to build a house would you want a massive
rock (Jesus) or a small piece of a rock like Peter? We are all Peters of the church
and of this spiritual house, with Jesus being the Chief Conner Stone and
foundation. About 99% of the entire Christian churches are built on little Peters
or pieces of rock, there is no real foundation to them because there built on a
man instead of Jesus, whom is the sure foundation. If we are built by Jesus, if
He is your salvation, if you have been washed by His blood then “…he that
believeth on him shall not be confounded.” V. 6 The word “confounded” means - to
shame down, that is, disgraced – Because you stand, live, have your being, and walk,
in Jesus Christ. Jesus is your foundation, your cornerstone, He is your life
and your salvation, therefore you cannot fall from the spiritual house. It is
not Peter, it is not you, it is not me, it is Jesus Christ, whom is also the “masterbuilder”. “According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation,
and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth
thereupon.” 1 Corinthians 3:10 God, not Paul is the Masterbuilder, read it
again don’t miss it. God is the one who builds the spiritual house, He sets
every stone in it as He elects to insert it. “Unto you therefore which believe
he is precious…” V. 7 because God has chosen you and inserted you into the
spiritual house. Just as God has built the churches and inserted the membership
as He has elected, from the Pastor down, He builds His spiritual house made-up
of elect vessels. We are indeed precious unto the Lord. The Lord went on in
verse 7 to say “…but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the
builders disallowed…” these are none-elected stones that the builder God will
never allow to be part of the spiritual house. It’s like you are building a
house, and the out side is made of stone, and you pick-up an ugly defaced stone
in the bunch and elect not to use it because it is ugly, this is the same line
of thought here. The only worthy ones, the only precious stones are the ones
that have been chosen and redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Folks, the only
truth is God’s word, it matters not who says it, if God did not say it then it
is worthless. God is building churches, and He is building the spiritual house,
and if you have not been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and set in place by
the Masterbuilder then you are not in God’s spiritual house.
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
3:49 PM
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Happy Mother’s Day!
“Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he
praiseth her.” Proverbs 31:28
I wish
all you mothers Happy Mother’s Day. I believe every day is Mother’s Day and not
just once a year. I also agree with this scripture that a mother should be
called blessed by her children and her husband should praise her. I would like
to share with you all the greatest woman I ever knew, my mother Ora Fay
Johnson. While my mother was not perfect she was great in my eyes, there is not
a single person on this earth out side of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy
Spirit that ever loved me more than my mother. I, nor my siblings can do
anything but call our mother anything but blessed, she worked so hard for us
and worried for us until the very day she went to be with the Lord. I could not
visit her without her asking “how are you Donna doing” or “do you need anything”
or that she did not cry for us, and those were not just words, they were words
of love. My Mothers showed her love in her protection of her children, all
eight of them. Our father was an alcoholic He cared more about his next drink
than he did his family. My mother did everything she could to protect us
children from his drunken rages, even getting beat-up by him. Mom would have
given her life for her children. While our daddy would drink-up most of the
money he earned our mother worked most of her life just to give her children
what she could. Mom did not make much, her education level was low, and she did
not have many skills. But, mom worked at any job she could just to support her
children. I remember when mom worked in a nursing home and walked to work
because she had no car that ran. She would walk in the rain, sleet, show, or
the heat of the day just to make the money to support her children. My mother
was also the one that walked with a big stick, she had her personal “switch
tree” and the tree of discipline and discipline was her middle name. When a
woman has six growing boys and her husband was a drunk, then she was the one
left to discipline her children. Mom did not ever abuse her children, but she disciplined
with love. She was Mrs. Discipline, if you got into trouble, failed in school,
or backtalked her she would walk right out to the switch tree and she made you
understand what she was talking about. Some would call that abuse, I call that
love. I do not know if my mother ever knew this verse but if she had it would
have been her favorite, Proverbs 29:15 “The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth
his mother to shame.” I know none of my mother’s children ever brought
shame to our mother, she loved us too much. I love my mother and miss her, I
will never live a day on this earth that I do not remember my mother and her
love for me and my siblings. I will never forget what she did for us all, like
a bird that spreads her wings to protect her young ones. I praise God for my
mother and I hope you do also yours.
just think about your mother once a year but you remember her every day. I know
all mothers are not wonderful mothers, but you love them as the Lord says
because the day will come when she is no longer on this earth to love. I miss
my mother, I miss her asking me if I needed anything or worrying about my
troubles in life. I love her for her discipline in her attempt to make me a
good person, respectful for others, and the examples of her hard-working life
to do what she could for her children.
gave us all mothers to love-us care for us, and to protect us from the evils of
the world. Mother are not their child’s friend, they are keepers of their
children. I see a lot of mothers that are horrible mothers, but I see a lot of
mothers that reminds me of mine. I think I had the greatest mother on earth, so
I call her blessed, a blessing from God to me and my siblings. So, mom Happy Mother’s
Day, I love you, and Donna and I are just fine. God is caring for us, as He is
for you, and there is no greater Father than He is.
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
7:50 AM
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Peters Denial
John 13:38 “Jesus answered him, Wilt thou lay
down thy life for my sake? Verily, verily, I say unto thee, The cock shall not
crow, till thou hast denied me thrice.”
Please understand one thing, Peter loved Jesus so much
he was willing and did die for him. I have read and heard so much about this
denial of Jesus Christ by Peter. Folks, it was an innocent denial, Peter never
rejected Jesus Christ, he never denied his Saviour, Peter simply denied being one
of Jesus’s disciples. Peter was human, and his human instance took over and
the flesh caused him to lie that he knew and was a disciple of Jesus. Jesus knew
this because He is God and He knows everything. Please understand denying Jesus
Christ is denying who He is, as Saviour, God, and that His blood can cleanse
you from your sins. People do not need to explain away what had happened as
though Peter had committed the ultimate sin of unbelief. I even heard one
preacher say this denial came before he was saved, wrong! Peter was a chosen
vessel of God to be a close friend and apostle of His Beloved Son Jesus the
Christ. Peter wrote two books of the bible and gave his life for Jesus Christ.
What this event shows us is that Peter was not
perfect, just as we are not perfect. We are all flesh and fleshly things we
will do sometimes. The Lord Jesus told Peter he would have this weakness at
that time and so he did just as the Lord promised. I believe sometimes
believers think of themselves more than they should. The Lord said through the
Apostle Paul in Romans 12:3 “For I say, through the grace given unto me,
to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he
ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every
man the measure of faith.” The Apostle Paul said that “grace given unto me”
which is something we need every moment of every day. The only time we can
stand faithful is as long as God keeps giving us grace. I believe the Lord
allowed Peter less grace and he had a weak moment. Think about it, If God so
chose we would never sin again, but then we would forget the grace. God warned
us “not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think” because without
God holding us up we would fall immediately, even the strongest believers among
us are nothing without God’s grace. Sometimes the Lord allows us to fall a
little, to weaken a little just to remind us that we are living, moving, and
having a godly life by his grace. Believe me, if Peter can fall to the flesh
and deny being the Lords disciple, then who are we? Remember even the Apostle
Paul said, “But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which
was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than
they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.” 1
Corinthians 15:10” What Paul had just told us is that “I know that God’s grace
has made me what I am, and I can say God’s grace was not in vain because I
labored more than any other, but it was still the grace of God and not me”.
Paul knew God’s grace held him up, and Peter saw first hand what it was like to
have a weak moment. Folks, we are what God has made us, even though it is a
labor and some labor more than others, it is still only by God’s grace that we
stand. Peter never denied Jesus and who He is, Peter denied being his disciple
in weakness. God test us in many ways to teach us that “For none of us liveth
to himself, and no man dieth to himself. (8) For whether we live, we live unto
the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore,
or die, we are the Lord's. Romans 14:7 – 8 We live in the Lord and not
in ourselves. Don’t put so much faith in yourself because the Lord may allow
you to fall a little to make you understand His grace.
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
9:42 PM
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