“Trust in the LORD
with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding…In all thy ways
acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths…Be not wise in thine own eyes:
fear the LORD, and depart from evil.” Proverbs 3:5 – 7
I know this is a long title, but there is a ton of thought
here to digest. Christians sometimes forget the basic things of the Lord, that He
is Sovereign, and He controls all things. God said a very deep truth about
people, “Who changed the truth of God
into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who
is blessed for ever.” Amen. Romans 1:25 Now, please listen to all
these scriptures, and if you do you will walk right in the Lord and He will
always direct your path in life. But sometimes Christians allow their human
nature to take over their thinking, and when it does it is anti-God. Christians
have a new nature and that new nature should over power the old nature allowing
us to think, act, and walk righteously. When God said that people will change
the truth into a lie, He was talking about the “religionist Christians” but
this is also speaking to Christians who do not believe the bible truth. If you
do not believe in the Sovereignty of God, then you do not believe bible truth.
If you do not believe that God controls all things, then you do not believe the
truth about God. And changing these truths only leads to false worship and not another
truth. There is no another truth just as they are no other gospel. The greatest
advice for any believer is to fear God, you will never walk righteously with
God if you do not fear God. Our fear of God is what causes us to depart
from evil. If one does not fear God, then walking outside of God is easy.
The Lord also told us, “and lean not unto thine own understanding” which means
do not think what God is saying, learn it and walk in that truth. The worst
thing a believer can do is to lean on their own understanding, because your
understanding in from the old nature. Your old nature is earthly and not spiritual,
and God tells us to walk spiritually. “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Galatians
5:25 Walking in the Spirit will keep us form leaning on our own
understanding. God said, “Thus saith the
LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man
glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches:” Jeremiah
9:23 anytime Christians glory in themselves they are not giving glory to God.
The Lord went on to say, “In all thy ways acknowledge him” that is in
everything not in a few things. People love to get glory, but for Christians
God gets all the glory and if you fail to credit Him with all glory in your
life accomplishments then you have failed to give God the glory. Look what the
Lord said next, “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”
or He does direct your paths in life. We are what we are, we are going where we
are going, and we will accomplish what we do because God gives it to us.
Our contentment in life is trusting that God has blessed us with it. Whatever you
have in life, and whatever you are in life is a gift from God no matter how
much or little it is. We must ask ourselves, is God directing out paths or
not, do we trust Him or not, do we thank Him or not, life and all in it is God’s
gift to us. We will finish with what the Lord started with, “Trust in the
LORD with all thine heart” never doubt God, never be disappointed with God and
His blessed gifts, and always trust Him without doubt of fear. “They that trust in the LORD shall be as
mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever…As the mountains are
round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people from henceforth
even for ever.” Psalms 125:1 – 2 Trust in the Lord with all your
heart, and failure is not an option. Blessed be the Name of the Lord for all
His gifts.