Subject –The God Father, the
administrator of the fullness of time in Christ
Text - Ephesians 1:10 “That
in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all
things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:”
you read 10 commentaries and get 10 different reactions then you must sit,
pray, and ask God for the actual thought of this scripture or His thought’s in writing
the scripture to us. Sometimes different Pastor, churches, and readers will
also have their thoughts about a passage, but again it is all about context,
the context is the right answer. As I have spent many weeks and have written
many articles in this passage, I believe I understand the thought and context
in which God was talking about in this passage. Therefore, here is my thoughts
on Verse 10. And this is a truly blessing of a scripture.
is want this scripture tells me, “The Administrator or Distributor or the Controller
of the fullness of time which is the preordained things being revealed in time
according to the Father’s election, the Father will oversee the processing of
theses fullness of time, gather all things given to Christ by the Father, the
Father will gather them all in unison whether it things is in earth or heaven,
it is all in Christ because Christ has earned His heritage.
here is how I came to this conclusion:
word “dispensation” means - administration of a household of estate – but here
it is the administration (or the management or oversight) of the fulness of
times. I love this thought because what it truly is saying, God the Father Himself
is the administrator of the fullness of time of all thing that were ordained or
predestinated in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the world. Look at it
this way, if someone passed away and left me to be the “administrator” of their
property and goods I would be in charge (as the administrator) of distributing
their goods and property. But you might ask how does this equate to “the fullness
of time and of things in Jesus Christ”? Before the foundation of the world the
Father gave Jesus Christ a heritage and the Father is going to make sure
everything is fulfilled in Christ in the end, or after “all the fulness of
times” has reached its end and has been fulfilled. Let me go farther in this
explanation for you. Jesus Christ (the Father’s Son) has an inheritance given
to Him before the foundation of the world. The Father through His power has
pre-ordained or predestinated or set all things aside for Jesus Christ His Beloved
Son. We (the believers) whom the Fathers elected as children are part of that inheritance,
therefore the Father has given those elected and all things in heaven and earth
to His Son as His heritage. In doing this the Father set predetermined times in
the fulfilment of these different events in the Son’s inheritance. For example,
the Father predetermined or ordained Jesus death, every detail was ordained of
God, not one single detail was left to chance, not one. “But when the fulness
of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the
law,” Galatians 4:4 When the predestinated time come to its
fulfillment God sent His Son Jesus to be born of a woman, and Jesus was born
the exact time that God had ordained it to be. Every detail of His birth was predestinated
and executed or carried thru by the power of the Father. Therefore, Jesus
Christ birth happened just as the Father wanted it to be as He chose, nothing
left to chance The Father oversaw every detail. His life on earth and
everything Jesus accomplished was ordained and executed in the exact timeframe
the Father predetermined it to be because the Father oversaw it and executed His
will. Jesus’s death was also, because His death had to be sufficient to the
Father’s order of satisfaction for our sin debt. The Father did not leave this
to man, God knowing the hearts of everyone involved elected each person to each
event from the betrayal, to the arrest, to the judgments, to the execution of
the beatings, to the carrying of the cross, to all actions on Calvary to His
death, burial, and resurrection. Everything had to be pre-ordained and the “administrator”
had to see it thru, it did not just happen, it was all done exactly as the
Father ordained it and executed it. This is exactly what we have talked about in
these studies, we have seen the predestination now we see the execution in the
order ordained and overseen by God the Father as the administrator of His Will.
The thought here is this, God ordained, predestinated, and executed every detail
of everything in Christ. God left nothing to chance, God left nothing to man,
or to anything in creation. Every detail and the execution of every detail The
Father was the dispensation or administrator of the details and the execution
of details. Nothing with God “just happens” God did not get “lucky” and it all
worked out, God does not work that way. The planning and overseer and pushing
all the buttons (so to speak) is God the Father.
people would read and could understand the scriptures in their correctness,
they would understand that the Father never depended on man for nothing. The
Father controls people, and if He did not control the people there is a chance
He could fail, and the Father cannot fail. Why if they had not carried
through with the crucifixion, why if it was stopped, that is not the way our
Father operates. There are so many details to Christ inheritance, so many
working parts to the Fathers gift to Christ and every detail and working part
must reach its preordained outcome in the exact working of the Father ordained
timeframe. The only way it can is that the Father must be the Overseer and Administrator
of His own will. Therefore, salvation is in totality of God the Trinity, no
part of salvation is in man’s hands, none. God blessed the churches in allowing
them to preach the gospel and God uses that gospel to save sinners. The gospel
is a seed that only God can give life too. This is how God controls everything
in Christ, The Father gives people parts to do, but the Father gives it all
life. God cannot fail; therefore The Father controls the details of carrying to
fulfillment of His own elected will. "Who then is Paul, and who is
Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to
every man? I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth;
but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that
watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his
own labour. 1 Corinthians 3:5 - 8