Sunday, July 6, 2014

All are welcome in a church service.

Luke 15:1 - 2 "Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him. (2.) And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them."

I was raised to believe that a church worship service is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints. When one looks at a church they see a limited number of saints assembled together for a worship service, business meeting, or ect. But a worship service is open to whoever desires to come. As church members we should never look down on a visitor to our church service, no matter who it is. There is no one to sinful to attend a worship service, period. While we are here to worship the Lord our God we are also here to teach those who desire to learn the scriptures, making the church a seminary of higher learning. However, we are also to educate the weaker in knowledge in simply and basic teachings, and the lost how to turn to Christ for salvation. The greatest message a Pastor or teacher of the scriptures will ever teach will be the gospel and in the simplest way. Salvation is the most important thing in the entire world, and the church is the chosen ones to keep it moving in the world. I have seen over time people in church mocking visitors in many ways, and this ought not be. If all in a worship service are saved then who do we preach the gospel too? I agree all sermons are not to be salvation sermons; however some must be since the gospel is our greatest sermon. We see Jesus mocked by the Pharisees and scribes for being around and talking to sinners, but don’t you have to speak to sinners if you are going to present the gospel to them? And another question; aren’t we all sinners. John 8:7 "… He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." This was a woman who had committed adultery. And we see another woman that Jesus visited, and that was the woman at the well; remember what Jesus revealed about her? John 4:18 "For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly." But the Lord Jesus still went out of His way to visit with her. Adultery and sinful living in theses days were treated with great punishment but here we see the Lord Jesus twice being seen with them and not condemning them but rather preaching the message of salvation. I cringe when a person tells me they are too sinful to attend a church service, because there is no such person. Although, I would cringe even worse when a church member lets me know they would rather a sinner not attend the services. Here I must brag on our church, I cannot remember anyone ever speaking these words to me. Folks, give visitors a break, they may not be what you are in the Lord, but if they are in church it is good for them. They may not be dressed properly, their hair may not be right, they may be the town drunk, or they may be the biggest adulterer you know of, but now they are in church, simply greet them and treat them as though they belong in a worship service. Don’t forget dear saint of God, you too were once without Christ and ignorant of Gods truths. Please remember our Lord visited with them, eat with them, and saved them, and we are no better than he is.