Saturday, August 26, 2017

Heathenistic Rage.

Psalms 2:1 “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?”

The word “heathen” here means “nations” but let us not make so much of that because what is a nation, it is the people. As we look at our own nation (The United States Of America) we see much rage. We have reached the point where there doesn’t seem to be any solution or compromise, we cannot be brought together because of their rage. This is indeed very sad times we are living in. It seems that if you are a Christian, and mostly a Christian of biblical substance then you are the vainest person on the earth. We see the heathenistic among us rage like we have never seen it before. And it should not be surprising, should it? If one is a student of the scriptures you have learned over the years that this earths systemize structure is anti-God. God told us in 2 Corinthians 4:4 that Satan is the “god of this world” and so therefore Satan hath “blinded the minds of them which believe not” from many things and including that they shall never believe. If one has no power to believe the gospel then that one will never be able to recognize right from wrong, and the truth form a lie. This headship over the world and the people of the world took place in the fall, in creation God gave Adam dominion over the earth. God created all things in the earth and gave Adam reign over the earth. But Adam bowed to Satan and ate the forbidden fruit giving that dominion to Satan. Now, as the Bible clearly points out Jesus Christ will in the millennium bind Satan in chains for one thousand years and take back the world and the system of it that originally belonged to Him in creation. However, with all that said it explains to us the heathenistic rage of the people against God, Jesus Christ, the bible, the churches, and Christians. Satan hates all those things and since these lost people cannot understand any of these things, they are following their fathers will. "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do..." John 8:44 Just as we as believers in Jesus Christ are God’s children, all others belong to Satan, just as our Fathers will we will do, they will also do their fathers will. This is the reason they are so raging against Christian, as their father rages against our Father. The more time go on the more worse they get, demonizing the other side in order to bring shame on those who believe biblical truth. Calling us racist, and all the other horrible names they can call us like “deplorables” which means disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable, unworthy, inexcusable, and etc., etc., etc. why, because we simply disagree with them. The thinking of the out-of-control raging mind is to destroy the opposition so that there is only one universal thinking path, Satan’s lying path of deception. This is the exact reason for their hate of anyone that contradicts them. Now, they have reached the point of silencing the other side of free thought, making one school of thought, Satan’s thoughts. So, if you believe that homosexuality is wrong, or transgenderism or abortion, or anything else they believe is right, then you must be eliminated. Remember, they can only be one school of thought, therefore the freedom of speech is only good if you agree with them. One voice, one thought, one mind set. Anything is good, as long as God hates it. The thought is to oppose God in every area, and to defeat Him by silencing Him. The rage is worse than ever, now we have congressmen shot, and happiness over it because he disagrees with them. We have protesters in the street ready for war in order to silence the other side. While it is all a disgrace to God, it is happiness to Satan who is the “power of the air”. Folks, please do not underestimate these people and their rage, they will stop at nothing to stop us Christians. They are dangerous, they are mad in rage, and are evil in their wicked hearts. Never doubt what they will do, their minds are satanically controlled. These “…people imagine a vain thing?” against good, right, honesty, and God. “The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.”  John 7:7