Saturday, February 20, 2021

God has made everything beautiful in His time.

I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.” Ecclesiastes 3:10 

In the life of a Christian, it must be understood that God’s blessings are not only in the good, but all parts of life. God promised the believer tribulation, persecution, trials, and much more. We seem to only talk about the blessings of God when good things happen, but that is not so, God’s blessings are in everything that happens. God promised also to rebuke and corrections in our life, not only because we are doing wrong but also to strengthen our path in life. Bad things happen to Christians just like it does the sinful lost, God said it rains on the just and unjust alike. If sometimes it seems that life here favors the lost, God said it would and that we are not to be jealous but content. Millions of believers have suffered very horrible deaths in persecutions, Jesus Christ was crucified as well as most of His disciples, most never had anything in this world. It was not because God did not love His people or bless them, it was because that was God chosen will for them before the foundation of the world. “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” 2 Timothy 3:12 Our life as believers in Jesus Christ were foreordained before the foundation of the world and nothing in time can change the predestined will of God. “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”  Ephesians 2:10 We see these words in 1 Peter 4:19 “Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.” God did not only elect the good in our life, but He foreordained all our life. The believer’s life is not by chance, it is not by choice, it is by the ordained will of God. As Christians we do not measure success in earthly possessions, we measure them in how God elects to use us. It is a glorious blessing to serve the Lord because that is what God elected for us. Therefore, it is more of a blessing to be used by Him even if that is to suffer a life of pain and misery in this life, than to be a successful lost person. However, let us look on:

In Ecclesiastes 3:11 God went on to say, “He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.” Pay special attention to this verse, do not let it slip by you. God has made everything beautiful “IN HIS TIME” no matter what it is, to God it is beautiful because He ordained it, He chose it for you. Life for the Christian is not about you or me or anyone else, it is about God and His will. If you look-up the word “world” you will find it means “eternity”, God before the foundation of the world set everything and everyone in their heart to do His will. Nothing “just happens” there is no such thing as “luck” nor is there a “coincidence” there is only the ordained will of God. God disguises His will from people, He wanted Satan and the wicked hearted people to believe they crucified Jesus for a victory on their part, but it was promised in Genesis 3:15 as it was in other Old Testament passages. God wanted the wicked to think they crushed His people and churches in the “Dark Ages” (about 500ad to 1500ad) when about 50 million were killed, but it was God’s will. He wants them to believe they have a victory with abortion, but the victory is God’s, Christ will repay this evil deed on judgment day. Satan and evil only gets temporal victories because every victory of Satan and evil is really a victory for God. God set eternity in their hearts, their all doing God’s will, God leaves nothing to chance, God controls every detail of every thought or act. God may elect to lead us thru the fire, thru the muddy waters, thru the valley of pain and death, but God will in the end lead us to Christ. Victory is the Believers, it is not in the lost people, their victory is short lived, and their end is eternity in hell. Live your life Christian, be content, and serve the Lord, because the final victory is yours in Christ Jesus. “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (58) Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”is H 1 Corinthians 15:57 - 58