Friday, January 12, 2024

A Lamp Under a Basket

Mark 4:24 “And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given.”

This parable is called “A Lamp Under a Basket” because our Lord Jesus asked this question in verse 21 “Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed?” As Christians and especially as church members we need to understand our important responsibility to the Lord and the world. Jesus said in the “Great Commission to, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matthew 28:19 It is not just the gospel we take to the world but also the entire word of God. We are to take the gospel to them so that they may be saved, but we are also to take the complete doctrine of God’s word to them. How can people learn the truth of the word if “we” who have been blessed with the revelation of His word fail to teach others. God does not bless us for us to hide His word but to teach it to others. If we who are blessed do not continue to spread God’s truths, then why would God continue to bless is with the truth. One problem with a lot of Christians and even churches is they have not enough, or maybe no zeal to accomplish the task that God has given us. God does not teach us to hide the truth of the word, He teaches us that we will take that truth to the world. Christians that fail to attend church are failing to study and learn God’s word. Our purpose and goal should be to the Lord who graciously saved our souls and taught us His word. We are God’s children and our goal in life is to surrender all to the Lord and to learn of Him and His word and to be servants to Him. The life of a Christian is to do the work of God’s calling of us and working every day to serve Him. If we surrender to the will of Satan, then we drop out of church, stop studying God’s word, and start caring what the world thinks. No one in our life is as important as the Lord, nothing in this life is as important as the Lord, and nothing is more pleasing as serving God. However, if we lose sight of what we are supposed to do as Christians and especially as churches then we are no longer serving the Lord. If we ever began to think of self-more than God, we have lost our calling as Believers and lost the purpose of God’s command of us. When a Christian fails to understand the importance of church, they start going in a downhill spiral of serving God. Day by day they become less useful to God because our usefulness begins and ends in the school of higher learning, and that is the local church. The church is where you hear, it is where your biblical improvement is made. How is God going to teach you if you are not working to learn His word through His place of learning. How will others learn if we are not teaching them, we are not self-taught. Think of church as school, the more you attend the more you learn and the more you learn the more you can teach others. If our schools were as empty as our churches, then look how ignorant our society would be. We simply cannot hide our gift of learning from those that are without, and we cannot help others that are without if we are hiding our light under basket. Every believer has the responsibility to help make disciples in this world, and this all works through the Local church. However, we cannot accomplish this if we are not the light of the world and if we are hiding our light under a basket. Matthew 5:14 “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.” How bright is your light shining, or do you have it hidden under a basket? The world is a dark place, it needs all the light we can give to it.