“Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: (6.) That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6
Looking forward to unity is one of our biggest blessings awaiting us in glory. As unfortunate as it is we as believers, the very ones God has elected to save, and the very ones Jesus The Christ came to sacrifice His glorious life for, cannot follow one simple command, to worship in unity. We cannot bring our old fleshly self’s to worship the Lord Jesus Christ in unity. It seems we have one major flaw, we allow our fleshly pride to keep us from following the command of the Lord. I once read an article that said there were some 50 different types of Baptist in America; however I would imagine that if we were to break down those 50 to them that separate themselves from others of like faith because of their fleshly pride then there would be more like several hundred. We have those that believe in this or that doctrine and will not fellowship with them over there because they don’t believe exactly as we do. I must confess here that I do not believe this is what the Lord was saying when He told us to “come out and be you separate” 2nd Cor. 6:17. The only reason the Lord gave us to separate ourselves from other believers is if they are excluded from another church. Chances are there are no two churches nor are there two Ministers that are totally identical in their belief. It is the Lord command we as believers come together and worship the One who gave His life for our justification and not only in a church but also as believers. However Satan has managed to use our flesh against us and has caused separation among the flock of Christ. Beloved I am afraid there are some “good ole boy” Ministers and Pastors that are going to suffer a great burden when they face Jesus Christ for judgment when the time comes. Let’s remember this scripture “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.” Matthew 12:36. With those thoughts in mind I would like to call your attention to this.
I wrote an article a few weeks back titled “Marriage for life or not”. Last week I received an email from Pastor David Green the Pastor of Sovereign Grace Baptist Church in Mansfield, Ohio. Brother Green shared a story with me that very much disturbed me. David told me of a church that is like faith to ours that allowed divorced men or men with divorced wives to speak and other Pastors (I must add disgraceful Pastors) called the church “a den of whoremongers” what a disgrace! This is a church of the Lord Jesus Christ and for any man who is a Christian to allow these words to fall from his lips is going to pay a great account to the Lord Jesus Christ. Again let’s read Matthew 12:36 “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.” I knew some of the names of these men and they were wonderful men (while I will not repeat their names) I have a lesser respect for them today than I did yesterday. Beloved there are those we should separate ourselves from but they are not churches of like faith because we differ on an issue or two. Those who do will pay a great account to Jesus Christ. Beloved we as Sovereign Grace Baptist are far and few and how dare we allow this old fleshly thinking cause division among our Sister churches. We are to be in unity with the understanding that we are going to differ on some things. Treating fellow Sovereign Grace Baptist like heathers will not go unpunished. It is true our sins, ALL of them have been forgiven through the blood of Christ but sin against other Christians will be called into account in the Day of Judgment. Brother Green went on to say in a sermon he preached on the subject, these men are in heaven enjoying themselves in Christ but I would like to add, not before they answered to the great Judge. Beloved I do look forward when issues and flesh separate us no longer and we can enjoy unity with you all in a home prepared for us all that are in Christ.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Looking Forward To Unity
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
3:59 PM