Ephesians 6:1 “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.” I know we live in a time when children are some of the most disobedient humans on the face of the earth, and I know that time and society has made them this way. However, this does not excuse what they have become, and that is having no obedience to anyone of authority and much more their parents. Children need to understand one simple fact, just as the adults, you are accountable to God and He has warned and commanded you to obey your parents and a failure to do so will be charged to you and not your parents. Your parents will have to account for themselves but you will have the same accounting as they do to God. Here we see Paul speaking to the children, he is not speaking to your parents, and he has warned you to obey your parents. Paul goes on to say “…for this is right” the word “right” means this is a right conduct or a righteous act, by this being a “righteous act” means it is walking in the way of a righteous God. However to disobey your parents means you would be walking in an unrighteous way, and we all know it is better to obey God. I know that some children think they are smarter than their parents but God has commanded you to obey your parents always not only when you think it is to your advantage to do so. The Lord went on to say in verse 2 “Honour thy father and mother…” The word “honour” means to value your father and mother, that is to value them as your parents and the two people on earth that gave you life. And the Lord also said in verse 3 “That it may be well with thee…” You may be asking “what will He kill me?” Here is your answer, Matthew 15:4 For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.” Children your warning is the same as the adults; disobeying God is no joking matter.