Exodus 20:13 “Thou shalt not kill.”
Let me please be open and honest right up front, the murder of partial birth abortionist doctor George Tiller was absolutely an unjust act and the murderer that done this horrible act should be judged, convicted, and the verdict should be to the fullest extent of the law. The only people that irritate me personally more than the pro-abortionist people are the religionist who protests against abortion. Murder is an unjust act and is a violation of God’s law. However bad it seems to be that Mr. Tiller was murdered does not seem to me to be near as bad as the thousands of unborn babies he murdered during his life on this earth. I personally have never protested because God is sovereign and He has never instructed His people to protest anything. Ephesians 1:11 “In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:” Beloved if God wanted abortion stopped He would stop it, if God wanted every soul saved He would save them, if God wanted every Christian to be healthy – wealthy – and wise then they would be, and etc. I am not going to shed any tears over Mr. Tiller’s death because he was a horrible person for his profession. Mr. Tiller also spit in the eye of every Christian that disagreed with him on abortion, and he enjoyed his work and made millions of dollars at it. I am not going to say he got what he disserved because no one has the right to murder another human being and both of these people will pay account to Jesus Christ before the Great White Throne for their unjust acts. Beloved this world is what it is and it is controlled by Satan. 2 Corinthians 4:4 “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” The people (not all but most) on both sides of this issue are lost and controlled by Satan and we have radicals on both sides of this issue. However the one’s that believe there is a right to murder unborn children will use Mr. Tiller’s death forever as a sacrificial tool for many years to come. They will also ignore the murder of Pvt. William Long who was gunned down at an Army-Navy recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas just as President Obama did last week.
Beloved, Baptist ever since the Church that Jesus started has never been a violent people. As we read in the history of the Baptist church we never were we a violent people, in fact it was Baptist who suffered the worst violence from the people of religion. Fifty million Baptist and other Christians murdered from about 300a.d. until around 1500a.d. and most of this came from the Catholic Church as wall as other religionist Protestants out of the Catholicism. It is incumbent upon us as Baptist and Christians to live in this world, we may not agree with what they do but God is in command and nothing is done without His allowing it to come to pass. Luke 19:13 “…Occupy till I come.” The word “Occupy” means to carry on with trade until I come. We as Baptist and Christians cannot allow Satan to control our ministries, worship, and witnessing by happenings in the world. We must ignore them, trust the Lord, and let them go their evil way and we go our way bringing praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. Beloved these people are going to make Christians look horrible in the next years to come using Mr. Tiller and any other event they can to make Christians look like hate mongers. I expect it from them so it to no surprise to me. They are blindly walking into the tribulation period and during that time they will hate God even more, so let’s all just pray together that Jesus comes very soon and occupy until He does.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Murder Is Unjustifiable
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
4:03 PM