Ephesians 4:7 “But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.”
Paul said - Christ gave each one of us a measure of grace – the word “measure” means limited portion, so each child of God has a limited portion of grace. First, we must remember the grace God gave to each one who is saved, because without grace Jesus Christ does not make Himself lower than His creation and give His life on the cross and shed the blood that it took to cleanse our sins. Second, everyday of our life is by God’s grace, and we as Christians should cherish each day given. We know that Christ builds the church and by grace allowed you to be a member of His church, so this would be another measure of grace. If you have the talent to serve in the Lord’s church that would be another measure of grace, and if you can sing we find another measure of grace. When we look deep enough in our everyday life we find an abundant measure of grace. When the Lord said in Philippians 4:11 “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” He wanted us to learn to be grateful for whatever measure of grace He has give to us. The Lord also told us not to covet, Exodus 20:17 “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.” The word “covet” means to desire or lust after, because if we do then we are not satisfied with the measure of grace God has given to us. God has given to us all the measure of grace He has elected for us to have and to our neighbor the measure of grace he has and etc, etc. We often find Christians not being satisfied with what measure of grace God has given them and therefore laboring in vain to expand what God has desired for them and causing a divide between them self and God. For example one may not be happy with the finances God has given to them so they will seek a job to make more money which causes them to miss church and beloved that is a divide between that person and God. Another example would be one who God gave a talent to sing and make a beautiful noise unto the Lord and that person may want to advance out and become an entertainer for money which could cause them to leave the church to go on the road singing, again causing a divide between them and God. We could go on and on with examples but I think the picture is sufficient. We find so many Christians seeking to have something more, therefore we no longer find so many enjoying the measure of grace that God has elected to give them.
Beloved we need to learn to be content with the measure of Grace God has chosen for us and not to covet what other have. Judges 19:8 “…Comfort thine heart, I pray thee...” God knows everything we need and He will supply all of our needs as He sees fit. I think our biggest enemy is our own sense of competition by nature and this is the reason for so much coveting among the Christians today which has caused such a divide between us and God. This is the reason so many mock and make fun of the one’s with less than they have and think themselves to be better than others. Children are most horrible at this but let’s not forget children learn from their parents. The Lord commands us to help those less fortunate than us and to love them, so mocking them is mocking the measure of grace God has given to them, and bragging on the measure of grace God has given to you, is this God’s way? We need to understand, little things and even things out of ignorance can cause a divide between us and God so we need to correct those little things and be content with the measure of grace God has given us no matter what other think of it.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Measure of Grace
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
11:46 AM