1 Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
Beloved, we live in a time when greed is the number one cause of our world’s problems. While this is not a new problem it is worse than ever and only getting even worse. It seems to me that the great economic crises we are in today came about as the results of greed. Companies wanting more and more and doing just about anything to everything to gain money until the piggy bank went broke and we now see the results. Churches are not exempt from this, greed as you can also see by looking at them and seeing the funds needed to support their programs. Pastors’ are being hired not as God has set them in place but rather to gain attendance and to bring in money to build their empires. Our government is not exempt either they continually tax and spend like they have unlimited resources. Greed is defined as “excessive or rapacious desire, esp. for wealth or possessions” and I believe this sums up what I have tried to say thus far.
The Lord said “For the love of money is the root of all evil…” not the money but rather the peoples love for it. How does a Pastor of a large church get a larger church? Bring in more money. How does a CEO get a larger company? Bring in more money. How does a Politician win re-election? Bring more money to their state. As unfortunate as it is, it is called greed, we never have enough. The Lord did not say that “some evil” is brought about for mans love of money but rather “all evil” has a money and a greed as its root. One source put it this way in describing greed “an all-consuming desire for more than one needs or deserves” and I agree. The Lord never planned for His churches to beg and plead for money nor did He ever plan for His churches to be greedy. The Lord never planned for His Under-Sheppard to beg and plead for money nor did He ever justify His Pastors to take more from His churches than they needed. 1 Timothy 3:3 "Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;" Those that do have failed to comply with their requirements as ordered by the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord also commanded Deacons to be like minded in this department. 1 Timothy 3:8 Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;” Money and the love for it and the greediness for it has caused much havoc in a lot of churches today. I believe this is a greater problem today than we all are wiling to recognize. Beloved we as Christians are to be more like the Lord Jesus with no place to lay our head. How many times does God warn against the rich and the wealthy and speak about the blessings of the meek and poor. However I am convinced that some of us would be more like the young rich man and refuse to sell what we have and give it to the poor rather than be more like Jesus and give all we have for others even if they are undeserving.
To all those who are greedy and refuse to reverse your thinking, you will face Jesus Christ someday and pay account for your greediness. To all of those companies who have lied, cheated, stole from you customers you will also pay account to Jesus Christ, and to our Governmental bodies you also will pay account to Jesus Christ. Pastors and churches do not think just because you do things in the name of Jesus and call it righteousness that it is; you too will not escape the judgment of Jesus Christ. I believe as Pastors and churches we may have learned too much from the secular world. Beloved all I ask is that you think about it.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
6:41 PM