“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” 1 Timothy 5:8
Were can we even start with this verse of scripture? It has so many roads that as we travel them they could cause our travel to look more like a maze than a road. However it may be; we are going to say as much as we can before we run out of space. First of all let us understand the Lord is speaking here to men. Please understand God gave certain laws to man and others to the woman, men are to provided for the family, men are to provide a living (as far as money), men are to provide protection for the family (as far as security), men are also to be the head in the family as well as make the important decisions of the family. Secondly we find that woman was taken from man to be his helpmate, not to take over for the man or to take over his responsibilities. I understand that as time has progressed women have been given more rights by the government and laws set in place by the government, however no law given by mans government should nor will ever override the laws of God. For example if and when the U.S. Government passes a law that makes gay marriage the same as a marriage between a man and a woman that law will not make it right in God’s sight nor will it be justified with God. Just as a states law cannot override the federal law, neither federal nor state law can override the law of God. We have a thing called biblical doctrine which simply means biblical teachings Paul calls it “…he hath denied the faith…” making it a doctrine of faith. Now there is only one doctrine of faith or one biblical truth and all others are simply wrong. God says it is mans responsibility to command, care and provide for the family or that man “…is worse than an infidel” that is worse than a lost person or worse than the worst among us. He is worse than an infidel because he is a Christian who should be following biblical doctrine but refuses. Men that refuse to support their own children whether at home or those of divorce or even those born out of wedlock, it does not matter they are his to care for and do not belong to the U.S. Government or a foster home or an orphanage, they are his and are his responsibility to care for. Just because some pastor of a church changes this responsibility does not correct the word of God nor does it lessen the responsibility because remember there is only one doctrine. Pastors do and say a lot of things they will be shamed before the Lord Jesus Christ one day in judgment.
Now please understand God never said that a woman could not help a man provide or help her husband do any of the other things that are mans responsibility, however it is not her responsibility to take control of these things for a man but rather she is to be a helpmate. There are many fathers today that are lazy and have no concern in doing these things and yes some of them are Christians and this is a disgrace to God’s wonderful grace. There are many Christian men who allow their wives to command their family duties in their irresponsibility to so and this is also a disgrace to the grace of God.
Family taking care of family, church members taking care of church members is what the faith of the bible teaches. The bible never teaches that man is to rely on the government to take care of their family. But as the bible also teaches it is mans responsibility to make sure these things are done in a correct matter. The man is the leader in the family and the men are the leaders in the churches and just as a pastor is responsibly to care and the teaching and the leadership his church, the man is responsibly care for his family. Both are responsible and answerable to The Lord Jesus Christ for these duties.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Men, are we failing God?
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
6:16 PM