His Sovereignty “For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” Romans 9:15
I believe in order to understand “The Sovereignty of God” we absolutely must understand what the word Sovereignty means. Paul said in Romans 9:21 “Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?” Romans chapter 9 cannot be ignored in the study of the bible, and what Paul describes here in verse 21 is very profound because it defines the Sovereignty of God. God is the creator of all things that has, does, or will ever exist. This makes God the “potter” and His creation the clay, and since He is the potter then He can mold and make of His clay as He chooses, and yes one to honor and the other to dishonor. He can elect one to salvation and allow the other to fall into eternal damnation without being unrighteous. Man has belittled God into one who is controlled by His creation or the clay making the potter mold them as the clay wishes, however this is impossible. People seem to believe that our sovereign God can do anything except to save as He chooses and to change mans will, but I must ask where are the scriptures for this. All this says is that the potter cannot mold the clay as He chooses. Some have gotten so bad in their thinking that to hear them speak God can do nothing without man, but this is ignorance in the least. Does the potter need the clay to mold itself? The sovereignty of God means that the potter is in complete control which means He can take one piece of clay, make two vases, one very wonderful and the other very ugly and neither vase has the right to complain about what the potter has made them because both started as a lump of clay, nothing more than wet clay.
Lets look at a couple of examples; did Israel choose God or did God choose Israel, God chose Israel, but why, did Israel do something special for God, no, not at all, God chose Israel because He wanted them to be His elect nation. Now let’s look at Pharaoh;
God made him a king that He could show his power over him, was Pharaoh any worse than the Israelites, no, but God killed Pharaohs son that He (God) could show His power over him. So why should God be evil to elect one sinner to be saved and another one be condemned to eternal hell. We as Gods creation can no more mold ourselves to be Christians no more than Israel chose to be Gods chosen nation. I did not choose to be a Christian no more than I chose to be a minister or a Pastor, God chose my life for me just as He chooses one vessel over another. Is this unjustness with God, absolutely not because God owes no person anything, no more than the potter owes the clay anything. Some preachers make God sound weak by saying “Jesus is pleading with you to choose Him” I never heard Jesus plead with anyone, just as He has never pleaded with anyone to choose Him. I believe the scriptures say; Jesus called and they dropped their nets and followed Him. Jesus does not plead He calls and we react as He pleases. Paul also said in Romans 9:13 “As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.” Why did God hate Esau? Was Jacob any better than Esau? God chose to love Jacob because it was His sovereign will to do so. In God’s eyes we are all the same sinners, it doesn’t matter how bad we are as sinners because Paul also said if we break one law we are guilty of all the law, therefore we all deserve hell fire as our punishment. But God loved Israel as His chosen nation because it was His sovereign will to do so, and Jacob for the very same reason, as it was with you if you are saved. The potter can make one vessel to honor and another to dishonor if He chooses because it is all just worthless clay without the potter molding it.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Sovereignty of God
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
4:50 PM