John 6:1 – 2 After these things Jesus went over the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias. (2.) And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased.
As we look into out text scriptures lets notice these words “…a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased.” Why did they follow Jesus? Because He could give them healing, they were diseased and wanted Jesus to heal them. These people did not want to hear a sermon, they did not want to believe that Jesus was the Christ The Son of The Living God, they simply wanted Jesus to give them something (healing) for free. We here in Texarkana have people that interrupt our services a lot because they want our church to give them money, they do not come to church, they do not want to even visit and hear the sermon first, they simply want us to stop what we are doing and take up a collection for them, but it simply does not work that way. People are always wanting something for nothing, it also reminds me of the upcoming election next Tuesday, politicians always promise to give everyone something simply for their vote. The government has nothing to give away except the taxpayer’s money, the politician is not going to give away their money, oh no it is our money he or she is promising to give away. But people are always standing with their hands out expecting the government to take from us taxpayers and to give it to them for nothing. I have even heard people ask politician’s “what are you going to give us” and then expect something for nothing. Now please understand I am not against helping others and truly we do our part to help those that are in need, but some people do not need help they simply expect others to give them what they want without doing anything to earn the help. In today’s economic disaster that both the Republicans and Democrats have brought to us has caused millions of good hard working people to be in need, people that normally ask for nothing and other wise help others in need themselves. We are talking about people who just do not want to do anything except to have other give them something for nothing. These people here were the same way, but when Jesus actually preached to them about how God saves sinner then they all (seven thousand) left leaving only Jesus and the other eleven with Him alone. See what they wanted was some healing, they did not intend to hear Jesus preach but that is what they got and all that they got. The Lord said “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” 1 Timothy 5:8 We must understand everyone is not worthy of help and just because Jesus was God in the flesh does not mean He owed everyone the help they wanted and just because we are a church does not mean we owe help to everyone who ask. If you want our church to help then come to church and hear the sermons or ask the church that you go too. Watch for those infidel’s and help those worthy of helping because there are a lot of folks in need and worthy of help. God always helps those who disserve help but don’t expect God to help those who are lazy and refuses to help themselves first. Don’t ignore God and expect Him to be there when you are in most need. God is gracious to them that are Christians and while salvation is not of works, let us not forget Gods blessings in life are more plenteous when we walk daily with the Lord and are lesser when we are failing to serve the Lord. God is not a politician and He is not going to make you a promise for your vote but He will bless you more and more if you walk with Him, and that walk starts by attending church.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
People Are Always Wanting Something For Nothing!
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
10:20 PM