“For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.” Romans 11:36
What a most wonderful scripture, especially to all Sovereign Grace Baptist and Christians that truly give God glory for all things every day. It is a wonderful pleasure to be able to worship God and give Him the glory for all things, whether good or bad it does not matter; God is over all and nothing happens without His approval or effectual cause. To the Christian all things are from God and for His glory and He will get glory from it all. Man may think that have overridden God, or out smarted Him, but one day they will see that they have played right into His gracious hands. God is over all and He absolutely controls all things, even the lost and even the most hateful God hatters among us in this world. They can take Christ out of Christmas if they want too because He never was in it, they can take the resurrection of Christ out of Easter because it has nothing to do with Christ, they can do all they want in the world because God is the final authority. This verse of scripture keeps us reminded of Who God is and also keeps us reminded that He is sovereign and His sovereign will, will always be accomplished no matter what. The world can kill the body but they cannot harm the soul and spirit because they belong to God, these old bodies are useless to God because they will be made anew soon. Beloved lift your head toward heaven and pray to our Father that sits on the throne because our redemption indeed does draw nigh. (Luke 21:28 “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”)
“For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things…” because it is His, even the evil things of this world God owns. Without the creation of Satan there is no evil but as it is He did create Satan and with him evil. “For of him…” means He is creator and author of all things, nothing exist or happens outside of His beloved and sovereign will, “…and through him…” this explains that not only does God “will” all things but all things are brought to pass by Him. Every person that is born is born by His will and power, every event that happens, happens by His authority and power, every person that is saved is saved by His power, and every person that dies, dies by His choosing. Nothing overrides the blessed will of God. “…and to him, are all things…” that is to His glory. Nothing happens without bringing glory to God in some way. If a child dies God gets glory some way, if a solider dies in battle God get glory some how from it. It does not matter what it is, from the praise and glory we give Him in every church service, to the most horrible death and sacrifices of the early Christians, all brought glory to God. The world thought they got victory in the death of Christ Jesus, they thought they got glory at the death of His saints, and yes today they think they will get glory by canceling the Christmas holiday, but again they will fail. God, no matter the outcome will succeed to get glory because it is His creation and that is one thing neither they, nor Satan himself can take from God.
“…to whom be glory for ever. Amen.” Yes indeed AMEN! Glory belongs to Him and not to man. This is one thing that even some Christians fail to understand, that what ever happens, the glory belongs to God and He will get the glory no matter what. Sometimes man wants to rob Gods glory from Him but it will not happen. Mankind combine together can attempt to save a hundred million souls but the only ones that will ever be saved are those whom God saves. When the final count is done in the end, the only saved will be the remnant that God elected to save, PERIOD! You can try, but God will get the glory because whatever it is, it belongs to Him and functions only by His blessed will.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
To God Be The Glory, For Ever And Ever, AMEN!
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
7:36 PM