“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.” Psalms 2:4
I was reading our local newspaper this week and was brought to laughter after reading this headline: “Pope’s book exonerates Jews for death of Christ” and almost became unconscious in laughter. Wouldn’t this be like this headline: The fox exonerates the wolf for eating the chickens”? Both will rob the chicken house and eat the chickens so this would be like the guilty exonerating the guilty. I immediately had to ask myself, who does this man think he is, who is he to exonerate anyone? My question to Mr. Pope Benedict XVI is who is going to exonerate Catholics for the murder of the fifty million Baptist and Christians during the “dark ages” (a period between 550ad – 1700ad)? People fled for a new land, a land free of persecution when America was discovered, so what persecution were they fleeing from, Catholicism! And so now a few hundred years later we find that the new Pope has found a heart, well this looks like a prime example of what a wolf in sheep’s clothing looks like. Now to the most logical question, who gave this man the authority to exonerate the Jews for crucifying Christ Jesus? Isn’t that in the hands of God and therefore in the hands of the Man they crucified? John 5:22 - 27 “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: (27.) And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.” Beloved please understand the Catholics and most of those involved in reformation crucified millions of Baptist and other Christians that refused the recant their faith and join Catholicism. This is not disputed, not even with the Catholics themselves. The Pope also added that this is the reason for so much anti-Semitism today, and he is correct. Should people hate the Jews because they crucified Jesus Christ? NO! The Jewish nation is Gods chosen nation just as the Gentile Christians are Gods chosen people, and neither should be judged by man nor persecuted by man. It is true that their have been much unjust persecution against Gods chosen nation, but I cannot believe when Pope Benedict XVI says this was the reason for the Holocaust, no more than I can believe he can exonerate them. Hitler would have crucified Christ if he had the chance, this sort of anti-Semitism was just German hate for Jews period, and Christ had nothing to do with it because I cannot believe Hitler had any love for Jesus Christ.
Now please heed this warning The Jews are Gods chosen nation and one day soon will raise again and carry the word of God once again but this time believing that Jesus Christ is their Saviour. They are still loved of God and for anyone to hate them or harm them is a crime against God. In fact lets look at it from this point, God ordained the Jews to reject and to crucify Jesus Christ. That’s right God ordained it. It was appointed that Christ Jesus die for the sins of man and therefore God chose His chosen nation for this task. “Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:” Acts 2:23 The Jews rejecting Jesus Christ was no mistake God ordained it. Therefore to blame the Jews for crucifying Christ is wrong and ignorance of the scriptures. With all of this being said God does not need Pope Benedict XVI to exonerate the Jews because soon Jesus Christ Himself will exonerate a remnant of them. Romans 11:5 “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.”
Saturday, March 5, 2011
I’m Sorry Who Exonerates Whom?
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
5:09 PM