Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”
We as Gentile Christians are certainly blessed beyond our imagination of God. However blessed we are we need never forget Gods first love is Israel. God made many promises to His first love and He will certainly deliver on every single promise. We Gentiles are blessed because of Israel’s downfall and for a time God has elected to set His first love aside and use the Gentiles. While we do find many promises in the scriptures to the Gentiles we find nothing like God made to Israel. It is my belief that God created and blessed the United States of America as a blessing to Israel. But America will not be allowed the same downfalls that Israel was; the Lord will simply allow us to fall. Let us never forget whom we are dealing with; He is the most judgmental being in all of creation. He will not sit by while America continues to act as a nation of heathen for much longer; we have made our bed and now we must answer to God for our sins. I am not claiming to have some great revelation from God; but am warning God will not continue to bless our sinful ways. “For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.” Isaiah 60:12 I must ask have we not seen America made into a waste land in the last 20 or so years? If I remember right the greatest down fall began in the sixties and have continued thru today and has only gotten worse and worse. The dope smoking hippies of that era are now running our nation and have turned it into a waste land. Abortion is still murder to God; He has not changed! Homosexuality is still an abomination to God; He has not changed! It is still wrong not to pray in the name of Jesus Christ; it is wrong to have worship services in the fashion that most are conducted and call it a worship of God! It is still wrong to be ashamed of God or Jesus Christ in public. And it is wrong to forget the One who blessed you from the start; and to say He had nothing to do with it. Yes; yes indeed it is all still wrong! God has not changed and He never will and this is why America is in her final years. God has made promises to His beloved Israel; not because she is any better but because this is the way He has elected it to be. God made Israel many promises that we Gentiles often use as our own but they do not belong to us; therefore we will not see them extended to us. We will fall more and more until one day we are a nothing. We just saw our nations credit rating fall to AA+ and our government and nation treat it as though it was a political move; but not everything is political something’s are punishment from God. I see no mention of America in the scriptures and no promises from God that even though we turn into a - greedy, selfish, God hating, and allowing anything nation - that He will continue to bless us. For more than 200 years we have been blessed as the greatest nation on earth out side of Israel; and we have ignorantly lost that status. Israel has not wakened from their blinded state but they will because God has promised to redeem them and use them once again, but not America. Greed has taken our hearts from God; we no longer need God today because we are smart and strong; but in reality we are ignorant and weak. People vote for politicians out of ignorance and those politicians to keep their jobs have voted to allow the mess we have today. America has been destroyed by greedy and selfish people and she will not return. People today do not care about the good of America they only care about what government can do for them. When a nation is in 14 trillion dollars in debt and on her way to 16 trillion and even beyond; but no one cares as long as the government doesn’t remove their government handout; then we are without a doubt a doomed nation. 1 Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” - Proverbs 1:19 “So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; which taketh away the life of the owners thereof.”
Saturday, August 13, 2011
God has made no such promises to America!
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
8:27 PM