Philippians 1:23 “For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:”
Oh what a horrible feeling it is to be hung between two different fallings. This is exactly where Paul was here, between being with the Lord Jesus and being with the people and profiting them in the preaching of Gods word. Paul knew how important he was to his earthly spiritual duties, but he also knew what his eternal life was going to be like when he was with the Lord. Most Christians and all Pastors and Missionaries can empathize with Paul here; however we may not even realize it. I hear Christians say all the time as I have also repeated many times, “I’m ready to go home” but with the same thought we also enjoy life here, making ourselves hung between two ways of thinking. Pastors and Missionaries also get to this point when it comes to retirement, we hate to stop the work we have loved and done so many years. There comes a time when we reach the age that it becomes more harmful to remain than to retire. We feel as though the church or work can not survive without us, although we may never admit it. Please allow me to testify to everyone if a church or a work cannot survive without the man filling the pulpit presently then it not going to survive. Jesus Christ never builds a work around a man, but rather around Himself. Paul knew how important he was to the work he was doing just as a Pastor or a Missionary knows how important we are to the church or mission work; however, we are only a server of a section of time and time will move-on without us just as it has with us. God is in charge of the work and the works will be just fine without us. I personally pray that when my time comes I can gracefully step aside and allow the next step in time to begin. I have known several Pastors and Missionaries that have gracefully stepped aside an allowed the work to continue without them and it has done fine. There will be bumps and potholes along the way but there were when we all started also. I have also known those who have overstayed their time and harmed the work and it was not fine when they had left but rather folded and died. It is a hard thing to do and I know my time is coming. I will reach the point where I will have to decide to retire unless I die or Jesus returns first. However I am sure that when that time comes I will be hung between the two of staying or going. Luke 2:29 - 30 "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: (30.) For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,"
Paul was a man; I know sometimes we might think he may have been a little better than a man but he was simply a man. Therefore he had fleshly thought that God actually allowed to be part of the scriptures. Paul knew he had no choice in this matter, he knew he would die when God had appointed him to and he also knew he would retire from the ministry when God had chosen it for him. So he knew this was not a choice for him but rather just some fleshly feelings. He had these same fleshly feeling about his beloved Israelites. Romans 9:3 - 4 "For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: (4.) Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;” Paul knew he could never have given up his own salvation for that of his fellow Israelites but he had those feelings. And besides knowing the pain a torment of eternal damnation none of us would give up our salvation for another even “if” it were possible. Beloved let us all when we are hung between two things look to God in prayer. We all (as Christians) are hung between being with Jesus and doing the work here on this earth, but as long as we are here and doing the work let us think of ourselves as the only one that can do the work because as long as God has chosen us for that task then it is our Job. However, when the time has come to step aside let us gracefully step aside and allow the work to move on without us. It will survive if it is Gods work and Gods will.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
“For I am in a strait betwixt two…”
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
5:05 PM