On Wednesday nights we are going through our systematic bible doctrine, each week our article will deal with our study on Wednesday nights. I hope you enjoy a very short version of what we are studding at our church.
When we look at the existence of God we look at the very fact that He indeed exist. While it is certain to most of us that He does, and to all Christians that He does there are many who do not believe in Gods existence. While we are not attempting to change their minds we are attempting to explain why we believe God exist. I believe to begin our study we need to detail whom it is that we as Baptist and other Christians believe to be our God, and that is Jehovah God. We do not believe in any other god or gods and believe that all other gods are insignificant or non-existent altogether. The existence of God is provable in many ways and this week we are going to look into a few ways that we believe our God exist. The existence of God is assumed in the bible, God never seeks to prove His existence because He doesn’t have too. The fact that God exist is so easily provable, therefore why would God seek to prove it. Paul told us in Romans 1:20 "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" The simple fact that the world exist is proof that God exist because it could not have existed without a creator. The teaching of evolution is so full of ignorance that we are not going to waste valuable print space to deal with it. The world and all of its substance is so wonderful that it could not have ever have come to be by a simple non-explainable bang. Oh no; it must have had a creator and a designer; it is simply to wonderfully put together not to have had one. The next area of un-debatable evidence is animate creation which is “living matter” or things created that have life. This is a point that the evolutionist have a serious problem with and that is life; their only response is “well where did God come from” which is an ignorant question. No; life must have come from life and since we only have one logical explanation then it would seem that it must be from God. Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Next is the order and design of the universe; it would take a pretty ignorant person to believe that this universe just banged itself into existence. As we look into the order and design of the universe we see much evidence that God created it. Let us look at the gases in space; the oxygen is perfect any more or less we would die or any other gasses if they were not all perfectly systemized we could not survive. That brings to the planetary system; it is so wonderfully systemized that only a creator could have set the sun for day and the moon for night. Only a creator could have set the sun just far enough from us in the winter that we do not freeze to death, and just close enough to us in the summer that we do not burn up. Folks, it would take total ignorance to believe it all just happened by a big bang in space. The next point of proof is the human conscience, from whom or from where did it come? Could it be that man just developed it? No, God gave it to us and how wonderful it is, another writer said the human “conscience may be defined as man’s power or facility of approving or condemning his actions on a moral basis.” In other word our conscience is what approves or disapproves of what we do in life. Paul wrote in Romans 2:14 - 15 "For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: (15.) Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)" indeed it is and how wonderfully we are put together as human beings. Folks I am out of room therefore I must close but let me make this one simply observation before I close and that is the world, the orbit system, the gases in the air and every detail about mankind does not just demand a creator but also a designer, that has all knowledge in every single area and that is Jehovah God and none other; therefore next time one wonders if God exist just remind them that it is impossible for Him not to exist.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
The Existence of God
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
5:57 PM