Saturday, December 22, 2012

Tis’ The Christmas Season!

“Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.” John 5:19 We come upon another year in which the world will celebrate the Christmas Season. When the trees are cut down and decorated, the mythical creatures are once again a substitute for God. Another season when parents will once again lie to their children about this God-like person known as Santa Claus. He lives in his magical kingdom where all the little elves make all the toys all year and then on Christmas Eve he will distribute all the toys to all the children around the world. This is fine for the world and if they choose this path then so be it. My wife and I celebrated Christmas for years but we have come to the conclusion that Christmas is not a Christian holiday. Now I know that some will disagree with me on this since Christmas is all about Christ; but is it? If we take a deep look at the Christmas holiday we will find it in no way could be of God nor related to Christ in any way. Let’s look at a few examples; it is full of lies, God is true and there is no lying in him, all lies comes from Satan; It is really not about the birth of Christ, is it, isn’t it more about Santa, reindeers, toys, gifts; isn’t it more about “here comes Santa Claus” rather than “Joy to the world”, It is more about hurt and heartache than about joy and peace, people go into deep debt to buy things they cannot afford, people get hurt because they gave better gifts than they received, is this Gods way; no it isn’t and therefore it cannot be declared a Godly Holy Day. Now I’m not going to condemn those who celebrate it because we all do to a point. If you are alive Christmas affects you in some way. You get a paid holiday, a bonus at work, someone may give you a gift, family may get together, or Etc. Etc. However for some reason the folks that do not celebrate the Christmas Holiday are seen as bad and ugly people, but in the reality of it, they are right. See I like it as the “holiday season” more that the “Christmas Season” because I simply do not see it as a Christian Holiday, I just don’t see Christ in a season that is full of lies, deception, and so much hurt. Now please do not lump us (non Christmas supporters) in with the God haters who hate Christmas because it is suppose to be a Christian Holyday because we are not, you do not have to love a secular holiday to love God and Jesus Christ. Jesus said “…but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.” In other words Jesus Christ was here not to do His own will but the will that the Father gave Him to do; and also to do it as His Father would. Now I must ask, would God celebrate Christmas as the world and most religion institutions would. I wonder this morning how many churches will have Santa Claus in their services, how many will sing songs like “Jingle Bells” and how many pastors will lie in some way celebrating a secular holiday. Folks while Christmas affects us all in some way, lets not look at it for more than what it is; it is a secular holiday with very little joy and no peace. I will be going to visit my mother and family on Monday because holidays are the only time I get to see my mother and my family really only get together one time of the year. Many of folks will be travailing this holiday season and whether you like the season or not, please pray that we all get through it safely. If you wonder why our church does not celebrate the season, it is not because we are mean people, we just believe as a church we should not celebrate such holidays. May God bless you all is our prayer!!