“The righteous shall be glad in the LORD, and shall trust in him; and all the upright in heart shall glory.” Psalms 64:10
I know words are easy; I know telling a Christian to be happy is easy, but being happy in sad times are hard. For a Christian we must all understand that God has appointed us to death, therefore we will all die at one time or another. God never promised us a tomorrow on this earth. He never promised us we would live to be a hundred years old, nor did He even promise us any amount of years. But this we do know, God has appointed our departure from this life and He has appointed it to please Him. The thing about serving a Sovereign God is He does as He pleases, and He needs none nor has any counsel. His will, will never be changed, EVER! As we read in the Ninth Chapter of Romans; creation is His and He can do as He please, to make one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor. No one has the right to ask God “what doest Thou”. It is hard watching your family gets sick and dies before you do, but again we do not get to make that decision, God does. My mother once told me that “mothers are not supposed to bury their children” and I told her that is Gods choice and not ours. I told her the longer she lived chances were she would bury more children, and she did have to bury another son. Life is hard, and even for believers. We are not exempt from hurt or even death because we are God’s beloved. We never know when we will wake up one morning and have a terminal disease. Death come to all age believers and always will. We must as believers have faith in the Lord no matter what. We ought to be happy in everything, even in great sickness. We are the Lords, bought and paid for by the blood of His own Son Jesus Christ whom was put to death at the young age of 33 years. Trust in the Lord and you will always be happy because the Psalmist just told us we would. I know yes I know the heartaches of life. I lost one brother at the age of 47 just a year older than I was at the time. I lost a second brother at the age of fifty, both too young to die, but both dead by God’s will. I lost my sweet mother last year just before Thanksgiving. I know by my family’s history on both sides I may not live much longer because the men on both sides have dies at 60 and under with heart disease. We never know when cancer or other fatal diseases may be found in us. Life is hard in general but when it is us or our families it hits harder for us. Contrary to what some preachers many preach God never promised us healthy, wealthy, or wisdom. God has promised us what we get and we get what He wills for us. I know sometimes we just want to ask why? Well, that’s a question for God, so I would ask Him. As a Pastor I sometimes find it difficult to find the answers outside of “it was Gods will” because there truly are no other answers. Our faith must be strong in the Lord and the stronger it is the happier we will be when tragedy comes to us. Be happy, because no matter what, you are Gods child and everything is in His will and nothing happens He does not control completely. The Apostle Paul reminds us "But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption...That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 1:30, 31 Glory in the Lord beloved; what waits on the other side of this life is most glorious. Let us all pray that God will be merciful to us, but let us all be happy in the Lord no matter what.