2 Corinthians 3:17 "Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."
As Americans we have enjoyed much freedom or should I say as much as a world controlled by Satan will give us. Being free is being 100% free and with no hindrance from any source. As Americans we are free because so many in history have fought and many have died to give us this freedom. Freedom is not free; since the fall of Adam and Eve the world have been kept captive by Satan who stole mans freedom in the garden. He took the dominion from man that God gave to Adam in creation. And since this time men has fought and have died for freedom. Millions upon millions of beloved believers in Jesus Christ have fought the evils of Satan and the evils he has in this world for our freedom as Christians to exist and to worship in total freedom. However, in this world we will, no matter how many fight and die will we ever have total freedom until Satan is locked away and bounded in chains and finally in the hottest part of eternal hell fire. However, with this bad news comes the most wonderful news of all, and that is there is freedom, total freedom, and that freedom is in Jesus Christ. Once a sinner comes to know Jesus Christ in their heart then that sinner has in their hearts the Holy Spirit and where He is there is freedom found. Not freedom like we have in America (which is the greatest freedom in the world) but total freedom, where the chains of sin have been broken and sin has no more hold on us. Freedom where the blood of Jesus Christ has in totality broken the bands that held us and has set us for all eternity never to hold us again. Where the Holy Spirit is there is freedom and yes total freedom. This freedom also cost death but of only one and that one was Jesus Christ. If you want freedom, true freedom is only in Jesus Christ. Romans 8:2 “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”