Saturday, December 26, 2015

Happy New Years; Keep Up The Work Of The Lord.

Luke 19:13 "And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come."

Without a deep explanation of this passage, I will explain it significance to us in our time. As the Lord was leaving these ten servants and gave them some money (about 13 - 15 Dollars) to continue the business or as the Lord said it "...Occupy till I come." Now while this word "Occupy" means - to busy oneself with, that is, to trade - to us in the 21st Century it would mean to continue with the tools the Lord has given us to continue in His work until Jesus returns. Do not forget it was the leaders of the first church, (the church at Jerusalem) that the Lord Jesus commissioned and commanded to carry the gospel to every man, woman, and child in the world, and baptizing them as He saved them. This order has not changed, just because times are hard and it appears that maybe the Lord is ready to return we cannot let up. We must all, every believer in Jesus Christ and every church of Jesus Christ work until Jesus returns. We better be working hard when He does return. For Jesus to return and churches and believers not working hard would be a failure on our part. We all cannot look at the times, and see the ugliness and ungodliness of the world, these are they we should be going after. As the New Year's approaches let us all, churches and believers dedicate ourselves to work a little harder getting the gospel to the world. Let us think about this word "Occupy" and continue to move forward until Jesus returns. The Lord could return at anytime or He could wait a few more years. We simply do not know, but what we do know is what we are suppose to do until He returns. We are to use the talents He has given us all and to use them to reach a lost and dying world. I know as we look around the churches here in America we see a dwindling in church size and in salvations, however, this does not tell us to slack-up because the Lord is returning soon but rather it tells us we have a harder work to perform. The Lord said in Luke 19:14 "But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us." but Jesus never told them to stop or slow down, He rather told them to keep busy. The world will always hate the Lord and because they hate Him they will always hate the Christians and churches, however, the Lord continued until He allowed them to take His life. The Lord warned us of the wicked and spoke about their future in Psalms 92:6 - 7 "A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this. (7.) When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; it is that they shall be destroyed for ever:" A " brutish man" is a stupid man and they simply do not know the Lord, and this is the world in general. and this is the reason the world has waxed worse and worse. They simply do not know the Lord, nor do they know their destination, so while they seem to " flourish" as the spring grass and the church seem to be dwindling do not loose faith in the Lord's power to bring forth a true revival, even here in America. Now we might think and say the Lord is done and His return is imminent, but we do not know the will of God until He reveals it. Please pray with me and work with me to revive the church and believers hearts to work harder in the New Year to get the gospel out to more lost sinners than we did last year. Maybe a revival in America starts with a revival of the believers and churches. I believe God is still using us in a mighty way. Even though the talents may be fewer and less powerful, it doesn't take much for God to work, remember He built the world out us the breath of His mouth. Let us not forget, the Lord is returning, where will be in this work when He returns. Luke 19:15 "And it came to pass, that when he was returned, having received the kingdom, then he commanded these servants to be called unto him, to whom he had given the money, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading."

Saturday, December 19, 2015


"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21

It is this week that the world will celebrate Christmas, but unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. I have to ask, does people even know what Christmas is, where did it originate, and who is to celebrate it. Christmas comes from two words "Christ-Mass" and it is Catholic by design and in nature, and Pagan. It is not a Christian Holiday, in fact it is not even about Christ and His birth. People celebrate Christmas every year with all the decorations, lights, tree's, gifts, and etc, and this is what it is, it's not about the birth of Jesus Christ nor should be. It is one big lie because it causes people to lie about Santa Claus and that he will bring them gifts. There are some who choose not to celebrate the holiday and they are demonized as haters and un-Christian when just the opposite is true. I must ask, why should Christians and non-Catholics celebrate a holiday that is for them? Even if it was about Jesus Christ who said we ought to celebrate His birth with these sort of deceptions. I do not believe that our sweet Saviour could be happy with this holiday at all. God is a jealous God and He does not want to share His glory with an equal fictional creature such as Santa Claus. Those who do not choose to celebrate Christmas has a more honest belief than those who choose to celebrate it. Personally, I am a Baptist and not a Catholic and therefore I should not attempt to follow Catholicism, in which I think is wrong to began with. I believe that everyone should celebrate the holiday as they choose, I know the world will celebrate it and I am not going to fight the world over a holiday which is secular at best. Even for those who hate the holiday it cannot be ignored in totality, but affects all of us in many ways.

I would like to tell you the truth about Jesus Christ, He was actually born of a woman from the seed of God and the seed of Mary who was a descendent of Abraham, David, and Mary. We have no idea when He was born, but that He indeed was. He was not born to bring about Christmas but to give His life on that wicked cross for our sins. The scriptures conclude He was born "...full of grace and truth." John 1:14 not lies, in fact there is no lies in Him at all. Jesus Christ was born that He may die and save His people from their sins and that He did. While the worldly churches are celebrating all the false theology and lies about Christmas we celebrate the birth and death of Jesus Christ every week without the hoopla and lies. We praise God for our Saviour and thank Jesus Christ for the shedding of His blood and the healing of our transgressions. "And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will. (23.) Of this man's seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus:" Acts 13:22 - 23

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Myths About The Virgin Mary.

"And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS." Matthew 1:25

The question for this article is "can we still call Mary (Jesus mother) The Virgin Mary"? There are a lot of ignorance in the world today and it arises from Catholicism which is the source and genesis of most false doctrine. If people would read the scriptures and believe what is there then so much heresy could be avoided. There are certain things that are obviously biblical error. Here are a few examples that are totally false and believed by multitudes of people. (1.) God was born - God was not born, the Son of man was born, God already existed before the birth of Christ. Don't forget Jesus was God-man He was born of Mary as a man but the seed that was planted in her womb by Holy Spirit was God's seed, however to say that God was born is a complete contradiction of the scriptures. (2.) That God died, just for the same reasons God could not he born God cannot die. The Son of man died on the cross and not God. there was a separation of deity and humanity before Jesus died. Matthew 27:46 "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Jesus Christ the Son of man died on that cross all alone and without deity. Just like the growing and learning of the Son of man was not God growing and learning because there is no room for growth or learning with God. No one ever said it was easy to learn the doctrine of the bible, however, some thoughts in the scripture overrides other thoughts that lead to dangerous error. for example James said speaking of God in James 1:17 "... with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." meaning God cannot change. This is one of the most bold verses in the bible because it let's us know that God (that is the Trinity) cannot change, in any single form. Therefore it would be impossible for God to have been born or to have died.

The other major failure in doctrine is all this Virgin Mary stuff, it is all false doctrine. Mary was absolutely a virgin when she had her first child Jesus who was God-man, the Son of God and the son of Mary. Jesus was born of the seed of God because the seed of man was sinful. However all this Virgin Mary stuff has to go, it is all false doctrine. After Mary gave birth to Jesus, she and Joseph went on to consummate their marriage because the scripture says "And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son..." Notice the words "not till" now one can make what ever false doctrine out of those words they wish, but the truth is, after Jesus was born Mary and Joseph consummated the marriage and therefore Mary was no longer a VIRGIN unless you know more than I do about that. They also had other children as the scriptures states "Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? (56.) And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?" Matthew 13:55 - 56 Mary was the most blessed woman on the face of the earth, she was selected by God to be the mother of Jesus Christ God's own man-Son. but that is as far as it goes with her. She would be insulted as any Christian would the be worshiped like unto God. Mary is not God's mother, God is eternal and not born. Mary was a woman, and not deity, while she bore the Son of man she did not become deity. We do not worship her, we do not pray to her, and we do not continue to call her a virgin.

It is unfortunate that so many millions if not billions of people are so deceived about the bible. If people would just study they would not be so blinded by blind religions and blind leaders.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

An Upcoming Lie.

Colossians 3:9 "Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;"

I do not mean to be an old scrooge for all those who are looking forward to the Christmas holiday or for Christmas in general. However, as a Pastor it is my duty to the Lord and His church to tell people their errors in life. I am not a hater of Christmas as some, in fact there are parts of the Christmas season I love. I love the snow, the lights, I love the family time, I love the pay bonus at work, and I love it most when it is over. Now for what I hate about Christmas is everything else. Christmas in general is a lie, built on a lie, and built on more lies and etc. first of all it is not proven to be the birthday of Jesus Christ, and those who say it is are lying because there is no proof of when Jesus was actually born. Next, there is no Santa Clause who gives gifts free to children who have been nice, and he does not give lumps of coal to the bad children, there is only a loving Saviour who died that sin may be forgiven. Next, the entire holiday is a lie because there is no such thing as Christmas except for the creators of it which was Catholicism who created the day of Christ-Mass. I know many people love the Christmas season, but is it worth all the lying to our children until they get old enough to figure out they were raised up being lied too. Most people will say "what's the harm"? Well the harm is a lie, is a lie, and lying is a sin for Christians. The more Christians start to overlook "little white lies" (don't know exactly where that comes from) to allow things in their life the weaker their faith gets. For Christians to lie about Christmas to their children is no "little" thing. Anytime a Christian lies it is a sin against God. Lying is something the "old man" does and not believers in Jesus Christ. It is true that God said "all men are liars" Psalms 116:11 however that is speaking of the old man and not the new man. We will find that one lie leads to another lie, to another lie, and etc until the lie is found out, however with God it was never a secret, just to your children. As harmless as it seems, it is not. We are to please God in every area of our life, and to put off the old man as much as humanly possible. I know it seems that I am an old fuddy-duddy but I am not. If one would look at the holiday they would see it really has nothing to do with Christ, salvation, or anything Christian. It is so commercialized that it is big business and big profits for the department stores. However, I must wonder what Jesus Christ would think about the celebration of His birth and how people celebrate it? I wonder, not only about the lies, but also how Santa has taken His place as the giver of good gifts for the season. God said in James 1:17 "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights..." not from Santa but God. If the world wants to celebrate the holiday season then fine, but call it what it is and leave my Saviour and the lies out of it. If you can find scriptural proof that we are to observe the Christmas holiday, then so be it, but there is none. It was started on a lie, built on a lie, and it is all about a lie. Please beware believer, we are responsible to the Lord for our actions, and a holiday built upon lies is not to our best interest to the Lord.