Colossians 3:9 "Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;"
I do not mean to be an old scrooge for all those who are looking forward to the Christmas holiday or for Christmas in general. However, as a Pastor it is my duty to the Lord and His church to tell people their errors in life. I am not a hater of Christmas as some, in fact there are parts of the Christmas season I love. I love the snow, the lights, I love the family time, I love the pay bonus at work, and I love it most when it is over. Now for what I hate about Christmas is everything else. Christmas in general is a lie, built on a lie, and built on more lies and etc. first of all it is not proven to be the birthday of Jesus Christ, and those who say it is are lying because there is no proof of when Jesus was actually born. Next, there is no Santa Clause who gives gifts free to children who have been nice, and he does not give lumps of coal to the bad children, there is only a loving Saviour who died that sin may be forgiven. Next, the entire holiday is a lie because there is no such thing as Christmas except for the creators of it which was Catholicism who created the day of Christ-Mass. I know many people love the Christmas season, but is it worth all the lying to our children until they get old enough to figure out they were raised up being lied too. Most people will say "what's the harm"? Well the harm is a lie, is a lie, and lying is a sin for Christians. The more Christians start to overlook "little white lies" (don't know exactly where that comes from) to allow things in their life the weaker their faith gets. For Christians to lie about Christmas to their children is no "little" thing. Anytime a Christian lies it is a sin against God. Lying is something the "old man" does and not believers in Jesus Christ. It is true that God said "all men are liars" Psalms 116:11 however that is speaking of the old man and not the new man. We will find that one lie leads to another lie, to another lie, and etc until the lie is found out, however with God it was never a secret, just to your children. As harmless as it seems, it is not. We are to please God in every area of our life, and to put off the old man as much as humanly possible. I know it seems that I am an old fuddy-duddy but I am not. If one would look at the holiday they would see it really has nothing to do with Christ, salvation, or anything Christian. It is so commercialized that it is big business and big profits for the department stores. However, I must wonder what Jesus Christ would think about the celebration of His birth and how people celebrate it? I wonder, not only about the lies, but also how Santa has taken His place as the giver of good gifts for the season. God said in James 1:17 "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights..." not from Santa but God. If the world wants to celebrate the holiday season then fine, but call it what it is and leave my Saviour and the lies out of it. If you can find scriptural proof that we are to observe the Christmas holiday, then so be it, but there is none. It was started on a lie, built on a lie, and it is all about a lie. Please beware believer, we are responsible to the Lord for our actions, and a holiday built upon lies is not to our best interest to the Lord.