"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Hebrews 10:25
There are many Christians who have forsaken the assemblies, this is what the Lord calls an "Apostasy" or a falling away from the local churches. If is a fact that people who forsake the local churches are weak in faith and biblical understanding. If you have fled the church let me urge you to return. The church is the most important and most valuable thing in your earthly life. The church is the earths seminary of learning. The church is the single place on earth to be as close to heaven that there is. If you have left church or have forsaken the assembly for any reason, and I mean ANY reason, then please return. There is not a good reason to forsake the local church. Maybe something was said, something done, maybe something was not right, but maybe things have changed. However bad it was that caused you to forsake the church maybe it is corrected by now, maybe there is another pastor by now, or etc. You are a Christian and if you are not in church you are hurting yourself, but also the assembly that God set you in as a member.
If you are a Christian and are not a member of a local assembly then you need to find one. God does not save people to forsake His assemblies, His teachings, or the worship of him. Believe me you cannot satisfy God in worship if you do not attend church. I once had a boss (in the attempt to get me to work on Sunday) that the church is everywhere and you can worship at home, at work, or anywhere you can hear a preacher preaching. I must say this man was totally ignorant of the scriptures. A Christian is not satisfying God if they are not attending church, the only holy ground on earth. Paul told young Timothy in 1 Titus 3:15 "But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth." There is not another place on earth with these sort of benefits. The church is the HOUSE OF GOD and THE PILLER and GROUND OF TRUTH. But only a true church, that is one who teaches the truths of the scripture, even if it offends us. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" 2 Timothy 3:16 What this means the scriptures is preached to us all as a discipline tool of God. Beloved if you have left church, don't go to church, or even have been disciplined but the church with expulsion, make it your New Years resolution to return and correct that issue, and draw yourself closer to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord went on in our text scripture and said "... exhorting one another..." This word means - a call to be good - that is good to each other. All church members must realize that God has grace on us all, in saving our souls when we were at enmity with him, therefore as Christians and church members we are to be gracious to others, no matter what. I have over the years met many rude and unruly church members, even so rude as to mock other people who was attending church. As kids we were laughed at for the clothes we wore, from the family we were from, and in many other ways, and this ought not be in God's house. The Lord said in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 "Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do." the word "comfort" here is the same word as "exhorting" but here the Lord goes farther and says to "edify one another" and that means to build-up one another, not to destroy one another for selfish reasons. Have a good and blessed New Years!