“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:13
Folks, it is with a very sad heart that I write this article. This last week we saw the murder and the wounding of twelve Police Officers, five of which were killed. This is sad because these are the men and women who have sworn an oath to protect us. People are so evil today that the folks in one group actually thought it was funny and good that these officers were murdered. These same people are so evil that they continually call for the police officers of America to be murdered. They tell lies and reach conclusions on happenings that haven’t even had a chance to have their day in court. They are exciting murder and rioting in the streets. I know there has been some unjustly murders of some folks by police officers, but that does not give reason to kill the very folks they depend to defend them against evil. I would like to personally say to our Police Officers across America, thank you for your service in protecting our communities. And to those who seek to hurt them or wish ill toward them, I will pray that God will cause a repented heart in you. We are living in evil times, times where evil men rule the world. There is a trust factor with the people who are in charge. As citizens we feel like our leaders are exciting violence rather than trying to solve the issues. The love of money is the root of all evil the Lord said, and that is surly true today. Times are not going to get better because God said they would not. God said it would get so bad that deceivers would be deceived. I am afraid we are only seeing the beginning of it all and as time moves on it will only get worse. Christians and people of good will be persecuted for the good in them, were their good is treated as evil and evil takes their good place. God told us in verse 14 “But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;” As Christians we must continue to push on with the preaching of the Gospel and most certainly in prayer. To our Police Officers I pray you also will press on to do your job and protect us from evil people. All professions have evil and hurtful people in them. We have certainly seen many ministers, priest, and other members of the clergy who have done evil. We have seen politicians do evil, and we have seen Police Officers also do bad. But people with evil hearts try to condemn an entire population for the wrong of a few. Those that do this is doing are evil, and those who lie to entice evil is even worse. We do not know what the Lord will allow, but we do know in the past God has allowed Christians to suffer greatly. We have not seen persecution yet as our forefathers of the so called “dark ages” did, from about 500ad – 1500ad. Christians must remain strong and even stronger in faith. The Lord did tell us in 1 Peter 5:7 “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” And thank God He does. Last I ask you all to remember Bro. Sergey Mochalov and the Churches in Russia. Russia has passed a new law that is going to bring them great harm. As most of you know we and a few others support these churches financially and have for several years. Most of these churches have nothing and hold services in houses. The new laws in Russia is attempting to eliminate these small home churches. If you do not have a building for services, then they are attempting to eliminate these churches. This is to start on July 20, so the prayers are needed now. Right now Bro. Sergey Mochalov and the Churches in Russia can continue to receive financial support but they are fearful this also will be eliminated before long. So please make these fellow Christians and churches a matter of prayer. And please remember this scripture, “And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27