Titus 2:1 “But speak thou the things which become sound
As we see this letter Paul wrote to a young preacher named
Titus we see the insightfulness in which Paul spoke to people. Paul understood
much because he had dealt so much with the Holy Spirit. Paul had written 13 or
so books of the Holy Script of God, therefore his insight on God’s truth was undisputable
more than any other man, other than Jesus Himself. As Christians, it would do
us much good to pay attention, not only to his penned words but all of the
bible. This book called the bible (while sometimes credited to men and women)
is Gods Holy Script. God is not a man, although Jesus Christ was a man and
everyone else involved in the bible were men and women, God is not. As people
we have fleshly feeling, we have little understanding, and even less knowledge
of God. God is simply too large for our understanding. His word is written as
such that only a true believer, and a true believer that studies and prays much
for understanding can even began to understand. I find it strange when men want
to show their understanding, when they really do not understand as much as they
think they do. Before a man begins to speak he needs to understand what he
teaches, because men who teach untruthful things will account to Jesus Christ.
However, teaching anything other than “sound doctrine” is unacceptable to God.
God wrote the scriptures for our understanding, and it is our duty to God to
study to show ourselves approved to God. 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself
approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing
the word of truth.” A “workman” as Paul put it is a “labor in the word of God”
and a good labor does as his boss tells him. Folks, if it is not “sound
doctrine” that the labor is teaching than it is a lie. People cannot just
assume they are right, they cannot teach to please people, because whom do we
seek to please, man or God. That would be like asking who are we going to serve
God or mammon. And it might surprise you at the number of people who think they
can please both with a little compromise. However, God never compromises on
doctrine or anything else. God said in Romans 14:18 “For he that in these
things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men.” If it is
acceptable to God then man ought to approve of it, not vice versa. We are only
accepted of God if we are in truth. Acts 10:35 “But in every nation he that
feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” However, once
the truth vanishes away for false teachings then we cannot call it sound doctrine
any longer. Only the truth will ever be accepted of God, once compromised then
God will not have it. It ought to fear man not to be in sound doctrine but it
seems most men have lost their fear of God or never feared Him to start with.
The single word that will teach you truth or sound doctrine is “study”. Christians
need to learn that doctrine only comes to those that labor for it, and that
labor will show God that we have advanced in the teachings of His word. Labor
for this and it will draw you closer to the Lord. But, please remember that we
must labor for the meat of His word, and nothing else will satisfy God. Philippians
3:2 - 3 "Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.
(3.) For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice
in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh."