"One man esteemeth one day above another: another
esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own
mind." Romans 14:5
Here in Texarkana, we were blessed to have one of our
supported Missionaries to visit us last Wednesday night. Brother Dan Sullivan
Missionary in Thailand, Brother Dan brought a study titled “Soul Liberty” which
is the base for this article. While I have titled it different is all means the
same thing, in fact some people would title it “Christian Freedom”. As
Christians we are bound to Gods word, the doctrine or teachings of the bible
are facts and cannot be changed for any thought or reason. As Sovereign Grace
Baptist we are bound to the doctrines and beliefs of God’s word as has been
handed down through history from Jesus Christ until now. Men and women have
worked hard, even died to preserve God’s blessed Truths from generation to generation.
And we here in the Twenty-First Century must also preserve the truth of the
scriptures. It is not doctrine I am speaking of here, but rather the beliefs in
God’s word that we differ. I have for years wrote, preached, and begged Christians
to be tolerant of one another and our different beliefs. Once again I want to
remind all my beloved Family in Christ and especially my beloved Minister Brethren
that not a one of us is perfect in our belief of the Scriptures. We are all
sinners, and come short of the perfectness of the Holy Scriptures. If any
person does not allow room in their thoughts for error, then that person might
as well stop their learning of God’s Holy Word. The fact is we are all subject
to error and we must all allow each other room for error. Remembering our own
frames and how fragile we truly are. I agree with Brother Sullivan when he said
the Baptist Doctrine are fact and unmovable and any true Baptist will believe
them and stand on them, and they are not subject to argument any more. However,
there are some interpretation of the scriptures that are debatable because of
the way you and I might interpret them. God said "Knowing this first,
no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation...For the
prophecy came not in old time
by the will of man: but holy men of God
spake as
they were moved by the Holy Ghost." 2 Peter 1:20 - 21 meaning
man did not write the word of God, but were writing as God moved them. It is
God’s word and therefore it is exactly what God wants it to be. We as Believers
or churches cannot change it and make it a private interpretation. Sometimes we
will find things in the bible that you will see one way and I will see another
way, but who is right, you or me? Here in Romans the subject is about whether
Christians can eat meat or should we abstain from meat. God answered in verse 3
"Let not him that eateth
despise him that eateth not; and let not
him which eateth
not judge him that eateth: for
God hath received him."
Do not offend each other, because you are not the judge of your brother or
sister, but of God. Folks, the truth is there are some things that we are going
to interpret in the scriptures that others see another way. As Christians and
church members we must allow for error on both sides. Beloved, this is a fact,
if I separated myself from every Christian I disagreed with on something scriptural,
then I would most likely be alone. God said we are to be acceptant of one
another, because you are not the judge of what is right or wrong, God is. Please
allow me to ask this question, if by chance you are wrong on something and you
chastised another believer, or withdrew fellowship from another brother because
of this non-doctrine difference, how will you feel when you stand before Jesus
Christ to find out that you were wrong?
“A Believers Liberty In God’s Word” is allowed freedom to their interpretation of
God’s word, and still be able to worship and serve together as Saints of God.
If you judge another Christians beliefs as though there is no room for error on
both sides, then you will be judged by Jesus Christ the very same way. God told
us two very important things when we judge another believer, “Judge not, and ye
shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and
ye shall be forgiven:" Luke 6:37 and "Judge not according to the
appearance, but judge righteous judgment." John 7:24 Brother things that
are of private interpretation are just that and should be just that and nothing
more. I have personally had a couple of brethren whom I love withdraw
fellowship from me because they disagree on a private interpretation of a non-doctrinal
issue. They will account before Jesus Christ for their intolerance of “A Believers
Liberty In God’s Word.” May God be merciful to them in judgement. Beloved it is
ok for you to see a scripture one way and I see it another, we are not perfect Theologians
of the scripture. Even our beloved first churches did not see everything
perfect. There were many errors in the Lords first churches, and we still error
today. Now for this final thought, we are not God’s policemen. God did not
appoint us to police the belief of other Christians or church members. And the
reason He did not is because there is only one single perfect being and His
name is Jehovah, and we know Him as Jesus the Christ. Paul finished this
thought in Romans chapter 14 with these words, “So then every one of us
give account of himself to God.” Romans 14:12 Brethren, you do not have to
account for me before God, I do. Allow room for error because the error might
actually be on your part and not mine. Let them that eat meat eat it, and those
that eat herbs eat them, it’s ok, we still worship, pray, study, and learn
together in Christ. “He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and
he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that
eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he
giveth God thanks; and he that eateth
not, to the Lord he eateth not, and
giveth God thanks.” Romans 14:6 Let
us all worship together and work together, for we are small as it is in this
world, and let us not quarrel over little things. Again, while the doctrine of
the church has been handed down from Jesus, Paul, Peter, and etc., not everything
we believe is Baptist church doctrine. Let us all love one another and study
together to show ourselves approved to God, we are only here for a short time
and we must hand down a unified loving church to our next generation. We must
ask ourselves, what kind of a church attitude are we handing down? What kind of
an example are you personally handing down? Is it godly?