Saturday, March 11, 2017

What Power Does God Have?

Romans 9:21 "Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?"

The Apostle Paul is asking a very profound question that I believe we all need to ask ourselves, “Does God have the power over mankind”? If you were to listen to most Preachers, churches, or even Christians today the answer would be, NO! To hear them say it God has no power over the clay as a Potter at all, but rather the clay controls the Potter and the Potter can do nothing unless the clay “will’s it”. BUT, please allow me a few words of support to the scriptures, the Apostle Paul, and most certainly the bibles Author God the Potter. One would be wise to listen to the scriptures and not the commentary of the scriptures. What Paul is writing here is about the Sovereignty of God the Potter. That nasty word “sovereign” that is not allowed in most churches today. God has the right as Creator of all things to do as He pleases, even to make “vessels of mercy”, or “vessels of wrath fitted to destruction”. He does not ask the “vessels” what they want to be, nor does He care which they want to be. He did not ask Lucifer if he wanted to be the devil, He did not ask Judas Iscariot if he wanted to betray Jesus, just like God did not ask a believer in Jesus Christ if they wanted to be saved, or a Preacher if they wanted to be a Pastor or Missionary. See God can take a little dirt from the ground He had just created and make a man, give him a wife He just made from the man’s rib, cause both of them to glorify Him, and then allow them to sin and fall. God never asks can He, He just does His blessed will. See He is Jehovah God and He has no one to ask permission of, nor does He wait for request. God has the right to do AS HE PLEASES with the clay, Vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor it does not matter. If you are a vessel of honor then it is God who made you that vessel, so give Him the glory for it. God never asked Pharaoh if he wanted his heart hardened, God just did it, even though it cost him his son’s life and then his own. Pharaoh died and went to hell because that is what God chose for him. God could have showed mercy and saved him, but God chose him a vessel of dishonor and sent him to hell. See, people do not choose to be vessels of honor, God and His mercy makes them vessels of honor. But here is the real question that should make every lost person quiver in their shoes, “what vessel did God make you” honor or dishonor? One does not just come to Jesus Christ, the Father must DRAW you. “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:44 So next time someone tells you that this Sovereign Grace stuff is baseless, read your bible. The only choice is that of the Potter and not the clay.