“Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months
are with thee, thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass;” Job
Death is something we simply do not understand. We all
believe that people will live long on this earth, but that is totally in the
hands of the All Sovereign God. God is the one that people just do not
understand, and that is because they continually deny His Sovereign Power. Job
here is speaking about mankind, and he points out that mankind’s bounds or life
limit has been determined or set, and people simply cannot pass that limit.
People are always failing to connect God and His Sovereign Power to anything,
and that is because people really do not believe in Him. Solomon writing under
the name “Preacher” wrote in Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To every thing there is a
season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:” The word “season” means
- an appointed occasion – and then the Preacher went on to give a number of
things under this “appointed occasion” and in verse 2 he wrote “A time to be
born, and a time to die…” and this appointed time is for everything, including
mankind. I once heard a Pastor in Tyler, Texas speak about this subject and he
said “to prove this predestination stuff wrong just walk in front of a truck,
and you will die early”. Now, what this self-glorified genius of a preacher did
not know is that theory proves nothing except it was that persons appointed
time to die. See, you cannot disprove a Truth of God. If God has ordained it,
it will come to pass without question or interruption. Now God said in Ecclesiastes
3:1 “To every thing there is a season…” therefore we must conclude that God has
ordained a beginning and end to everything that exist, including mankind. I
also hear “Preachers” in their insults about God speak as though God simply
cannot control everything, it is way too large. Say what, God is too small to
control everything? Then they just called God a liar, because God has declared
that He created and controls everything, even evil for His own glory. This I
also know, since this is true, we ought to fear God. The Preacher went on to
say in Ecclesiastes 3:14 “I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for
ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth
it, that men should fear before him.” Nothing can be added to it nor can
anything be taken from it. Therefore, to the Preacher I spoke about in Tyler,
Texas, stepping in front of the bus, changes nothing. The writer of the
Proverbs wrote in Proverbs 19:21 “There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless
the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand.” No matter what God’s ordained
will is, it will without interruption and failure be brought to fulfillment.
Now, I said all of this to prove this one point, that our life span is totally
determined by God, when we were born and when we will die is at Gods choosing.
No matter what it is God controls it, even evil. Satan can do nothing except
God grant him the power, and neither can anyone else. Most people in this world
does not “get” or “understand” God because they willingly fail to understand
His sovereignty and His powers. People want to believe that somehow they are superior
to God, but that is a total false idea. We must always understand that
everything lives, moves, and has its being by the power of God.
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Our Bounds Are Set!
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
8:28 PM