“What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his
power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to
destruction:” Romans 9:22
We live in a time when there is much powerful destruction in
the world, earthquakes, hurricanes, shootings, etc. etc. etc. The question that
is often asked is “where is God”? Well, one thing that is absolutely true is
God is Omnipresent or everywhere at one time, no place is ever without God. God
is a Spirit; therefore, you might never know God is present unless you just
accept the fact that God is Omnipresent. If one truly knew God, and who He is,
one might ask this question out of ignorance “where is God”. People look at God
with different eyes, some look at God as though He does not exist, some look at
God through moral eyes (thinking He is what they think He should be), Some look
at God as a weak and insignificant being who depends on us to help Him. But,
regardless how one looks at God, and regardless how He may appear in their
mind, God is The only true God, and that makes Him Omni-everything. God is
all-power, all-knowledge, He is all-holy, and God is all-right in all His
doings and choosing of His doings. The first thing one must understand about
God is, He answers to no one. People are not counselors to God, He is a
Self-Existent Being Whom existed alone before creating everything that exist.
Next, one must also understand that whatever God chooses to do, that He will
do, regardless to what you might think of it. This leads us to this extremely
important point, God is ABSOLUTLY SOVEREIGN, this means (God is a Supreme Being
choosing, ordaining, predetermining, and executing His will and pleasure).
People must know that if God wants something to be, it will be, regardless to
what you might think of it. One must also understand that God owes no creature
anything, nor does he owe them an explanation about the things He does. God
controls all His creation, even the evil of Satan did God make for His own
glory. The issue some people have is they have no idea who God is, they are
simply ignorant to God’s Being. I hear people make the most ignorant commits
about God, like “I cannot serve a God like that”, or like “my God would never
allow that to happen”. Here in our text scripture it says, “What if God,
willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known…” what if God was to
make His power known? What if God was an angry with the sinfulness of the world
and wanted to make His displeasure know? So why if God was sending some
destruction to show us we have gone too far in sinfulness. Would you believe
that? Oh, you don’t believe it, your God is not that kind of God, then you do
not serve the God of the bible. Folks, God is not who we think He is, God is
not who we want Him to be, God is pure Sovereign in His will and purpose. This
means God controls everything, read Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and Ephesians
chapter 1 and Romans chapter 9. And when you read them stop making excuses for
them and believe them. We are simply created beings to be used as God is
pleased to use us. If God has predetermined that you die a horrible death then
you will, if God has ordained that you live a long glorious life you will. God
had predestinated that millions of His own elected children die horrible deaths
in what is called the “dark ages” at the hands of Catholicism and others and
they did. If you read history, true history, you will find that God’s people
have always suffered at the hands of our enemies, why, because God chose for it
to be that way. Folks, it God was willing to show His wrath the things we see
happening today is nothing compared to what His true wrath is. We must remember
God is not a man, He does not think like a man, nor does He do as a man, and no
He is not a woman either! God is a Spirit and does at His own choosing, and if
you do not accept God as He is then you do not serve the God, one true God that
is the God of the bible. John 4:24 “God is a Spirit: and they that worship
him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”