Saturday, March 21, 2020

God’s Sovereignty Part 10

Subject – God Accepting Believers

Text - Ephesians 1:6b “…wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.”  

This ends a very long sentence that goes from verse 3 – 6 and the entire thought is “God’s Spiritual Blessings on the Believer in Christ.” I love spiritual blessings from our Father. We see these spiritual blessings all thru the scriptures, but especially here in the New Testament. We have done a deep study at our church on 1 Corinthians 12:1 – 11 in which the Apostle Paul describes how Spiritual Blessings are given and delivered, by the Holy Spirit “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 12:4 They are given as God chooses to distributed as God the Father has chosen by the Holy Spirit, and it is a fascinating study. Here in Ephesians 1:6b God concludes this long sentence telling us that we are “accepted” and what a statement. It never ends, the thought in my mind never ends that we who are wretched sinners, who love sin so much that we drink it like water  Job 15:16, We sinners who are worthless in the flesh, not desiring God, at enmity with God, will not seek Him and we have no desire to keep Him in our knowledge. Romans 3:9 – 18 We are sinners who have chosen sin and Satan over God, however, we who are saved are the very sinners God elected to saved and made us accepted in the beloved, that is what amazing grace indeed is all about. Why, why would God ever save one single sinner on this earth is beyond our imagination. God has made us “ACCEPTED” as His own dear children, yes, and as much a child as Jesus Christ is, "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." Romans 8:16 – 17 This is telling us as believers we are as much a child of God as the Son of man Jesus Christ, even though we are adopted. Beloved, this is powerful in glory for every saved sinner. But let us make sure we recognize that God “made us accepted” and it was not a making on our own. There was no choosing on our part, no decision, no turning over a new leaf, no sinner prayer, no, not at all or any little part of actions on our part. Salvation, in its totality was by God’s love, grace, and mercy toward us, not the reverse. We would have never, ever repented had the Holy Spirit not come into us and caused it all to happen just as the Father had elected and ordained it to happen. Thank you, Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit for our salvation and sonship.

The word “accepted” means – to indue with special honor – also if you search the Greek you will see that this word comes from the word grace in the Greek. Indeed, the special honor comes from our Gracious Father who has taken unworthy sinners and made them accepted, not just accepted into His kingdom but accepted as children, just sit back and let that soak into your mind. We will one day stand in the presence of the King of kings as children, holy and without blame as though we have never committed one single sin. The Psalmist wrote, "As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him." Psalms 103:12 - 13 Wow, what a blessing from God toward us, that we will never, ever account for one sin, and that our sins will never be remembered or found.

This brings us to our conclusion, and that is how God has made us accepted, “…in the beloved.” That is in Jesus Christ whom the Father sent to this world in the likeness of sinful flesh to shed His blood on that cross to cleanse us from all our sins. God chose His own beloved Son Jesus to be the Christ Incarnate as the Son of man to live, die, rise, and ascend back to heaven to make us accepted. Thank you, Lord. We will look at Jesus next week.