Sunday, May 31, 2020

God’s Sovereignty Part 18

Subject – The Earnest of Our Inheritance Until the Redemption! 

Ephesians 1:14 “Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.” 

May I say in this conclusion, what a blessing is has been to write these articles about our Sovereignty of God. As we live in a religious world that idolizes themselves over God and wished they could make God surrender to their every wish, but to KNOW that everything is in God’s Sovereign hands and He does as He wishes in all His creation. This is the very God in which we have our faith, this is the very God that we have trusted to save our unworthy souls. We do not serve the weak insignificant god that the religious world does, but the God that is in all points Sovereign. In these 11 verses we have seen how God saves worthless sinner and makes those sinner’s clean as snow and has adopted that same worthless sinner to be His child by adoption, this is called SOVEREIGNTY. First, God said V. 4 “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love” Second, God told us not only will we stand before Him white as snow, but also told us we will be His children because He predestinated us to be children V 4. Third, Our Father told us that we were purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ through redemption on the cross, and that act of love by Jesus Christ was enough to forgive all our sins, making us as though we have never sinned V. 7. Fourth, in V. 10 God told us He elect and predestinate these children, but also that He was the administrator of the fulfilment of each step of His loving, gracious act. Fifth, in V. 12 God promised that we would be “the praise of his glory” because everything we are as Christians is to His praise in His election, predestination, His Love, His will, and nothing on our part. There is not one single part of our Christian being that we can take credit for. And whatever we are as Christians is His will and glory, all to glorify His Beloved Son Jesus Christ. None of it was for our glory, but to Christ Jesus. Sixth, in V. 13 we saw how that God not only saved us in the Man Jesus the Christ, but that He sent His Holy Spirit to carryout all the actions of our salvation, to deliver to us fruits from on high, and to seal us that we should be preserved so that we could never fall or fail from the glorious gift of our salvation that glorifies His Beloved Son.
Which is the earnest of our inheritance” We must understand what this means, this is the beginning of salvation. This goes all the way back to the “Eternal Covenant” that took place before the foundation of the world. After the Father elected us or chose us, He than gave all that elect to His Son Jesus Christ on the ordained promise that the Son would give His life and blood at Calvary for them. This very elect are those that Jesus spoke about in His prayer to the father right before His death. John 17:2 “As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.” God told us this agreement was sealed by the Holy Spirit and it was His work to secure each end of the agreement. The word “earnest” means a down payment and Jesus’s word was good enough for the down payment and the Holy Spirit was the sealer of that promise to make sure it was all done and completed as the Father willed.
The Father also said “until the redemption of the purchased possession” The purchased possession are the elect of God that the Father gave the Son in eternity past, Paul called these elect “the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.” Philippians 3:3 or “the cutting out” a remnant to be redeemed by Jesus Christ to worship God. Paul also called these elect “a peculiar people” “Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” Titus 2:14 
All of this was accomplished, not of our own will, but the will of our Sovereign God and Father. Look at how many times in these 11 verses alone it speaks of God’s glory, “unto the praise of his glory”, “after the counsel of his own will”, over and over it is all about The Father will and never about ours. The will of the Father was the will of Jesus who died for us. Everything was planned, predestinated, ordained, and carried out by the Father, under the sealing power of the Holy Spirt, and accomplished death of Jesus Christ at Calvary. Nothing was man’s work or involvement, except the acceptance of the blessings of God our Saviour. Jude 1:25 “To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” Thank you our Father in heaven for the glorious gift of salvation!