By Pastor Steve McCool King's Addition Baptist Church South Shore, KY
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
morning we will be looking at some reasons for Revival. But, first let us
establish what is Revival. Webster's Dictionary from 1828 gives these
definitions: “REVI'VAL, noun [from revive.] 1. Return, recall or recovery to
life from death or apparent death; as the revival of a drowned person. 2.
Return or recall to activity from a state of languor; as the revival of
spirits. 3. Recall, return or recovery from a state of neglect, oblivion,
obscurity or depression; as the revival of letters or learning. 4. Renewed and
more active attention to religion; an awakening of men to their spiritual concerns.
“Keeping with our text verse we will concern ourselves with 4th definition. We
hear this verse quoted and misquoted a lot today. With the events that have
taken place this year in particular. The Lord's people have witnessed
persecution like we have not seen in several generations in our nation. The
very foundations of our Republic are under attack. Our God and our families.
Americans have gloried in the fact we are protected by our Constitution to
worship when, how, and who we want. No other country in the world has had this
protection for God's people. Not only are our places of worship under attack,
but our families are suffering greatly from the changes that are coming about
in our society. For over 50years there has been a movement in place to destroy
the family base in our country. Largely through the public education system. Also,
in the entertainment industry, sports, the press, and yes, even religion itself
(Proverbs 22:6). Once the perpetrators of this movement were able to “free” the
youth of our nation from the clinches of the “churches” they could began to
corrupt them into anything they wanted and have done a marvelous job of that
very thing. And what is that thing? It is a society totally void of any godly
values and any reference to God and His Son. The Word of God has been under
attack for some time also. Just look at how watered down many of the modern
perversions of God's Word are. Many removing the very Sovereignty and Majesty
of the Creator of all things (2 Timothy 3:1-5). The corruption we are seeing
today has come about because of the destruction of the family, but it has been
because the “churches” gave up in an area they needed to stand strong (2
Timothy 4:3-4). Landmark Sovereign Grace Baptist Churches are no exception. We
have followed after the world and they are currently winning. However, Praise
God, we know who wins in the end. But, what of the “Now”? Why do we quote
verses like 2 Chronicles 7:14 but not follow through with the very meaning of
the verse? We pray for revival in our land and in our churches and in our families,
but do we follow the instruction of God's Word? We say we want healing for our
land. We say we want peace and prosperity. But have we humbled ourselves and
prayed and sought the face of God and repented of our evil ways? If not, then
how can we expect God to hear our prayers for revival in our land and in our
churches and in our families (Psalm 51:10)? What must we do before we can expect
revival? 1. Humble ourselves before the Lord. 2. Seek His face. 3. Repentance
of our sins. Then and only then can we expect revival. What are some reasons we
should have for desiring revival? 1. The state of our Nation. 2. The state of
our Church. 3. The state of our Families. We will end this morning with James
4:7-10. “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.”
If we truly want revival we must, first, humble ourselves before the Lord. In
many ways a forgotten teaching in our land. Praise ye the Lord!!!