“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; (10) But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.” 1 Timothy 2:9 – 10.
Sometimes it is difficult to talk about certain subjects in the churches and among other believers. The worldly assemblies that call themselves churches do not have a godly mentality about themselves. They allow the secular world’s thinking into their congregations and biblical laws and commandments suffer; they suffer to the point of non-existence. Therefore, the thinking of a satanic controlled world system becomes the thinking of their assemblies for the sake of growth. As Christians and especially as church members we all should have standards in the Lords churches. Men and women are not equal in the house of God, in our services there is a difference. God said for men to, “pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.” God did not include the women because He told the women “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. (12) But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” Therefore, women can not say public prayer in the Lords churches. This is not up for debate or argument, and those that reject this teaching also rejects God’s word. But women do have their responsibility to the Lord, His word, and the churches. We will either obey God or man’s thinking that is controlled by Satan! Do we stand for God’s standards or mans standards that are controlled by Satan? As time moves on more and more people, assemblies and even believers will spit on the word of God, even with detest and anger. Pastors and churches must require accountability of their membership that refuses to accept God’s godly biblical standards. Women are to dress like godly women, it is improper to dress like promiscuous women in God’s house or any other time. I see women after church in restaurants who has been to church dress like they have been to a night club rather than the house of God. Church is not a place to advertise “look at me”. Church is a place of worshiping God and His Beloved Son and our Saviour Jesus Christ, and nothing should belittle that worship. The Lord speaks of “shamefacedness” means - a sense of shame or honor, modesty, bashfulness, reverence, regard for others, it is called respect- A lack of reverence for God in His house. Next is “with broided hair” which means – a plait of hair - The thought here is that Christian females are not to imitate those of the world in their careful attention to the accessories of their hair. It cannot be supposed that the mere braiding of the hair is forbidden, but only that careful attention to the manner of doing it. Next is “gold, or pearls, or costly array. This means – expensively eye drawing jewelry - This is not to wear any jewelry at all but things that are modest. The reason for all this is found in verse 10 “But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works” Women are required to dress modestly in the house of God, church is not about showing off their beauty, or their treasures in God’s house. If a woman cannot humble herself in God’s house, then God’s house is not a place for her. Most assemblies are more secular loose in their laws and standards; therefore, they are not real churches but meeting places. If a church cannot have decency and order, then how can you resemble a church of God? I know what I write in this article is not worldly popular, and lots of people will hate me for writing it. However, the truth about God, Jesus, and the bible is not popular and they hate them also, even places of worship calling themselves churches. The bible is to be read, studies, preached, and believed, not insulted, or ignored. Ladies, if your appearance or actions draws attention from the worship service of God, then you are not proper. The word “modest” means - orderly, that is, decorous: - of good behaviour, - tight clothing, short dresses, loud jewelry, or hair, is simply not modest and is insulting to a church service. Both men and women have godly standards in God’s house and we all must conduct ourselves modestly.