Mark 8:21 “And he said unto them, How is it that ye do not understand?”
Our understanding of God’s word is without question a “revelation” from the Holy Spirit. It is not that some people choose to ignore or are too stupid to understand what you and I might understand. We must understand that God did not give anyone total understanding, and we are not perfect in our understanding of His word. We sometimes look down on people because they do not understand Biblical Truth, therefore, we who do understand need to count our blessings that God has elected to reveal it to us. However, with that being said, there are some Christians elect to ignore the bible, they chose not to believe what God is saying. They use excuses to ignore the truth. We cannot use scripture to battle scripture because that would be using God against God. Therefore, we must change our thinking and accept God’s word for what it says no matter what our opinion is or how it might affect our belief.
Some people take God’s word out-of-context to prove a point that is wrong and at the same time refusing or failing to hear the truth. Christians are bound to the whole bible, not just parts we like or chose what we want it to say. We do not make exceptions for the flesh as to what God is saying. If a person doesn’t understand, it is because God’s Spirit has not revealed it to them, but if we choose to ignore the word because we do not want it to say what we think, that is the worst thing of all. Bible study is about reading, studying, understanding, and ignoring parts is not allowed. There are no exceptions, we must believe what we have been blessed with to understand. Paul wrote in, 1 Corinthians 15:34 “Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.” If we are blessed with the knowledge of God, the knowledge of His word of Truth, it is our shame not to believe that word and follow it. Do I suggest that some Christians know the Truth and elect not to believe or follow God’s Word, absolutely. Paul also wrote in verse 33 “Be not deceived…” because Satan’s challenge is to cause churches of Truth and true believers to ignore or error from the Truth by being deceived. The most important thing a Christians can do is to follow the word of God, as written and not unfollow it by deception. Paul wrote to the church of Rome these words of warning, “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” Romans 13:11 Christians do not have time to be deceived, not by Satan, not by friends, not by the world, because our completion of salvation is much closer today than it was yesterday. For us to fail God would be a much greater lose in eternity and a victory on this earth. If there are any believers sleeping on the Lord, it is time to awake, repent, realign, and look for the Lord. I will end with this scripture of reminding us all of God’s warning. “Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.” Proverbs 23:23