Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother’s Day!

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.” Proverbs 31:28 

I wish all you mothers Happy Mother’s Day. I believe every day is Mother’s Day and not just once a year. I also agree with this scripture that a mother should be called blessed by her children and her husband should praise her. I would like to share with you all the greatest woman I ever knew, my mother Ora Fay Johnson. While my mother was not perfect she was great in my eyes, there is not a single person on this earth out side of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit that ever loved me more than my mother. I, nor my siblings can do anything but call our mother anything but blessed, she worked so hard for us and worried for us until the very day she went to be with the Lord. I could not visit her without her asking “how are you Donna doing” or “do you need anything” or that she did not cry for us, and those were not just words, they were words of love. My Mothers showed her love in her protection of her children, all eight of them. Our father was an alcoholic He cared more about his next drink than he did his family. My mother did everything she could to protect us children from his drunken rages, even getting beat-up by him. Mom would have given her life for her children. While our daddy would drink-up most of the money he earned our mother worked most of her life just to give her children what she could. Mom did not make much, her education level was low, and she did not have many skills. But, mom worked at any job she could just to support her children. I remember when mom worked in a nursing home and walked to work because she had no car that ran. She would walk in the rain, sleet, show, or the heat of the day just to make the money to support her children. My mother was also the one that walked with a big stick, she had her personal “switch tree” and the tree of discipline and discipline was her middle name. When a woman has six growing boys and her husband was a drunk, then she was the one left to discipline her children. Mom did not ever abuse her children, but she disciplined with love. She was Mrs. Discipline, if you got into trouble, failed in school, or backtalked her she would walk right out to the switch tree and she made you understand what she was talking about. Some would call that abuse, I call that love. I do not know if my mother ever knew this verse but if she had it would have been her favorite, Proverbs 29:15 “The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.” I know none of my mother’s children ever brought shame to our mother, she loved us too much. I love my mother and miss her, I will never live a day on this earth that I do not remember my mother and her love for me and my siblings. I will never forget what she did for us all, like a bird that spreads her wings to protect her young ones. I praise God for my mother and I hope you do also yours.

Don’t just think about your mother once a year but you remember her every day. I know all mothers are not wonderful mothers, but you love them as the Lord says because the day will come when she is no longer on this earth to love. I miss my mother, I miss her asking me if I needed anything or worrying about my troubles in life. I love her for her discipline in her attempt to make me a good person, respectful for others, and the examples of her hard-working life to do what she could for her children.

God gave us all mothers to love-us care for us, and to protect us from the evils of the world. Mother are not their child’s friend, they are keepers of their children. I see a lot of mothers that are horrible mothers, but I see a lot of mothers that reminds me of mine. I think I had the greatest mother on earth, so I call her blessed, a blessing from God to me and my siblings. So, mom Happy Mother’s Day, I love you, and Donna and I are just fine. God is caring for us, as He is for you, and there is no greater Father than He is.