“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5
The evils of this world are growing stronger and stronger as time goes forward. I am not one that believes this world will ever get better or ever convert to following the scriptures. Our schools are staffed and Government are so full of people who believe and teach so deeply in evilness and that good is bad and this is no surprise to anyone who reads the word of God, for God said times would come to this point. I heard two black Pastors interviewed on the Mike Huckabee show that is aired on the Fox news channel and one was in support of Mr. Obama and the other in support of Mr. McCain. It was to my great surprise as to why these two Pastors gave the reasons to why they supported each of the Presidential Canadates. The Pastor that supported Mr. McCain cited Moral Issues as to why he could not support Mr. Obama which is a very good reason to give a Presidential Candidate your support, however the other Pastor cited that Social Issues were the reason he was supporting Mr. Obama. He went on to say that while Moral Issues were important that to him Social Issues were more important and over rode the Moral Issues. Beloved this is my thoughts, nothing over rides the Moral Issues of God’s Holy Word. I understand that we as people have reached hard time, however our hard times never justifies the murder of unborn children. I believe for the Pastor of a church to say on public nationwide television that he believes Social Issues were superior to that of unborn children needs to study his bible much more after he resigns his work as a Pastor. I believe any Christian that believes that Social Issues over rides Moral Issues needs to read their bible a whole lot more. Beloved in out day there are no more important issues than Moral Issues! This is what is wrong with our Nation, we have (as a Nation) put God under our footstool and allowed this world and it’s evils to take priority in our lives. It befuddles me when Christians can support a Presidential Candidate that supports and will select judges that demand a woman has a constitutional right to murder an unborn child.
We see here this unborn child named Jeremiah was sanctified and ordained a prophet before he ever exited the womb, how horrible it would have been if his mother had chosen to have aborted him. I understand that God had predestinated this and it was going to take place and could not be changed, however the example is still not lessened. As a Nation we have chosen to belittle God and have chosen that children are punishment instead of precious jewels from the Lord. We worry more about if people have money, houses, cars, or etc. than we do about the murder of our unborn children. As a Nation we have reached the point that we even allow the unborn to die even if they exit the womb in a botched abortion. One Presidential Candidate called this type of murder “an out of the womb fetus”, and others calls it “partial-birth abortion” but I call it murder! Beloved I simply must ask this question, what is America thinking?
I know I am just another radical Pastor to most Americans however I often wonder how people can call themselves a Christian and go to church and call themselves worshiping God and vote for a man/woman that supports this sort of crimes against God. Is Social Issues more important than Moral Issues, NEVER! Abortion is the evils of our Nation and God will judge her on this issue and His punishment will be great. We wonder why so much bad happens in America and in the world, maybe it is our evil being punished. We ask God to bless our Nation but I must ask does our Nation deserve to be blessed of God? You have a vote coming on November 4th and I ask everyone to vote but when you do what means more to you Moral Issues or Social Issues? God being blessed by a Nation or God being ignored by a Nation. Let us Christians be in one accord and vote to bless God.
These thought are those of Pastor Randy Johnson. The Sovereign Grace Missionary Baptist Church does not endorse Political Canadates.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Moral Issues or Social Issues
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
3:55 PM