Psalms 26:7 “That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.”
Beloved we are approaching the most wonderful Holiday of the year. Thanksgiving is a time to thank God for His glorious gift and gifts to us. I know everyday is Thanksgiving but here we have a day, one single day that we call a day of giving thanks. Beloved as sad as it is to say I believe this may be the only time of the year some even think of giving thanks. I believe in this sad world we live in today two very important things escape peoples minds, going to church, and thanking God for everything. How sad of a world people have built for themselves. Some have made church a place to glorify themselves instead of God and others are so caught up in self satisfaction that they fail to thank God for what ever happens in everyday life whether good or bad. Here is the proof; how many of you were dissatisfied with the outcome of the November National elections have thanked God for the outcome? Beloved it is not who won or lost but rather that the will of God has been accomplished. Do you know why the Angels in heaven rejoice when a sinner comes to believe that Jesus Christ is their Saviour and is saved? It is because it is to the glory of God, He is the One who performed the miracle that delivered the sinned, this is why they rejoice, they rejoice just as we always will when we are at home in heaven every time God works a miracle. This is why we give daily thanks to God for our salvation, our family, our home, our church, and for the happenings of everyday life, because whether good or bad, whether we agree with it or not God has blessed us with another day that He has had total control of it and all of the days developments were by the GRACE of God. This is exactly why we give thanks to God for the outcome of the elections whether the outcome pleased us or not. Beloved God has a plan and that plan is this world is heading for a great tribulation period and God is simply allowing the world to set herself up for this time of great destruction. We do not know God’s step by step plan however we do know He is in control and His plan is being carried out, but beloved we do know a lot about the final results and this gives us reason and encouragement to praise God for every event and its outcome.
The Lord told us in Psalms 26:7 “That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving” the word “publish” means to shout with a loud voice the wondrous works of God. Beloved if you are saved you have reason to shout from on high the grace of God everyday without miss. And if you truly believe that God is in charge of all things then you have reason to bless your own hearts by shouting praise be to God in everything. Our history is filled with believers that were killed by the thousands that died praising the Lord’s blessed name and for the opportunity to die for His name. And here we are some 1200 years later crying and failing to thank God because we are living in bad economic times. Beloved money is nothing, Satan simply uses it to sway our minds from God and His glory, please do not allow him to do this to you. Beloved there is one who will have the economic solution for our horrible financial dilemma and he is called the Anti-Christ. He is on the way beloved and for this we need to thank God for because this means Jesus is soon to return. Let ignorance run through this greedy world and just praise God and keep looking up “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Luke 21:28
So beloved thank God not only Thursday but everyday and for everything whether good or bad it does not matter. Please do not allow things of evil from Satan and worldly things to cause you to fail in this area. And Thursday spend the day in thanksgiving shouting the marvelous works of God. Philippians 4:6 “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” 1 Timothy 4:4 “For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:”
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
7:01 AM