“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. (5.) For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Matthew 24:4-5
Beloved remember this one simply fact, the Lord Jesus Christ is going to return! I know the time has arrived where there is great doubt, but Jesus, Who cannot lie promised He would return “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:3, the angels promised that He would return “Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11 and others also promised. Therefore in order to believe He is not going to return is to call Jesus, the angels in heaven, and others liars. Therefore we as believers need to be like the five virgins that were intelligent enough to buy oil for their lamps. We have so many today that have separated themselves from the word of God for man pleasing doctrine that it has came to the point it can be classified as innumerable. Many have died separated from the Lord’s church and therefore being separated as a member of the Bride of Christ who will at the wedding feast regret their actions here on earth. Ask any Bride at any wedding and she will tell you it is much more glorious to be the bride than to be a guest.
I see the times aligning themselves in a proper order for the Lord’s return, Apostasy is in full swing, America and Israel are constantly at war with the Muslims, and people are everywhere claming to be Jesus Christ. Maybe not using His name but claiming to be the saviour of mankind and even calling themselves or accepting others to call them the messiah. We heard this word used in the last election and people actually believe he is their saviour and believes he has the power to deliver us from our economical woes. We have so many deceivers in pulpits, on the television, and on the radio who only seek to please the flesh that it seems unreal. We have not noticed the deception so much because it has gradually come about. Let’s look at it this way; those of you who are older will remember when the movie “Gone with the wind” came out and the word damn was used and the controversy it caused, in fact some would not watch the movie because it contained this word, and over time the words got worse and worse and yes even worse until we have the mess on television we have today. This is the way deception and the Apostasy has come about, it just kept getting worse until we have the mess we have today. It is so bad today that many no longer believe in their hearts that Jesus is truly going to return. Just as some in politics use children to draw more money out of our pockets, deceivers use children to draw believers out of churches to their deception by entertainment in Sunday school, by having programs aimed at the children, and by having gymnasiums. Those of you that are old enough, please return you mind back to thirty years ago at what the church was and travel through time until today and see what it has became, and ask yourself is this what Jesus (the creator) of the church willed for it, it becoming secular like? Beloved deception has over time become so great that it is deceiving the very elect of God. They have reached the point that secular affairs are more important than the word of God. It has taken generations to get to this point but we are here and Jesus is much, much closer to His return. They (the secular churches) may have doubts and may create doubts in the hearts and minds of their flocks but this is fact, Jesus is going to return like it or not. So many will suffer great loss because they allowed themselves to be deceived but remember this, their will be no excuses.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The coming of our Lord is drawing nigh.
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
7:06 PM