2 Thessalonians 2:3 “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;”
Paul is reminding these folks not to be fooled by those that seemed to be speaking about an instantaneous return of the Lord. Times must have been tough for those beloved brethren because they truly had been looking for the Lord Jesus to return however little did they know His return was still more than two-thousand years away. Times were hard in those days for them that loved the Lord because they were so hated; however times have not changed much since then. While we are not today threatened with our lives for the worship of Jesus we are still hated for the true worship of Him. I spoke last week about how times have changed and so much is being accepted today than was fifty years ago, but let’s also not forget the great apostasy we are in today. Paul spoke here that this falling away must come first and beloved it has. If you find a church of truth that has over 30 members then you have found an extremely blessed church. Let’s look at some other point that has been fulfilled Matthew 24:10-12 “And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. (11.) And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. (12.) And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” These are facts we can see besides the apostasy, “shall many be offended” we certainly keep the world mad about the truth of the bible, they are angered just because we still love and worship Jesus Christ, “shall betray one another” we just had one single man to steal fifty billion dollars through betrayal and we see much betrayal in the religionist circles all of the time, “because iniquity shall abound” that is it will be on a steady increase and it is worse almost on daily basis, and “the love of many shall wax cold” love is a hard thing to find these days even among many Christians. Is there anything in these scriptures that you can find that still needs to be fulfilled? We can go on and on with things that has already been fulfilled, beloved we as Pastors need to keep the flocks reminded and ready and as Christians we all need to make sure we are ready and prepared for the Lord’s return more than ever before. While these people thought Jesus would return soon, I believe it is certain before long.
Beloved in the last days the world will come together so the Anti-Christ can control it, and there is one single thing that will sure-fire bring the world together and that is money. The last great Nation on earth has aligned herself with the entire world with our financial condition. This one single issue affects the whole world and must have a united world solution. Our government will never solve this issue by throwing trillions upon trillions of dollars at it, all this money will simply de-value our own money and over time cause our dollar to be worthless. I do not know but one (out side of the Lord) who can solve this problem and that will be the Anti-Christ. Beloved all we have to do is to study the bible to find the answers to the Lord’s return and you will find it looks to be very close. Beloved time for Christians and the Lord’s churches is ALMOST FINISHED!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Almost Finished
Posted by Pastor Randy Johnson at 5:00 PM