“Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace…Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work. 2 Thessalonians 2:16 – 17
You might wonder what the words “everlasting consolation” means, we will return to those two words shortly. I would like to draw your attention to things happening in the world. There is a persecution of Christians and Gods word in America today. So many are against Christians; we have been demonized by almost everyone for our belief in God’s word. I remember not too long ago, and maybe today you would see signs in business which read “we have the right to refuse service to anyone” but today that right is gone. We saw this example a few days ago when Georgia’s Gov. Nathan Deal vetoed “The Religious Exemption bill” a bill that would protect people of Christian faith from violating sincerely held Christian beliefs. The Governor cowed down to Commissioner Roger Goodell and the NFL who had no right to get involved in the States business. Why shouldn’t Pastors and Christians be protected? I know this, Mr. Goodell will account to Jesus Christ for his conduct along with Gov. Nathan Deal. This I do know also, Texas has this act already passed and it is law, and Mr. NFL you can keep your Super Bowl, Texas Isn’t going to cow down to you and your money. We have a God fearing Governor in Greg Abbott who will never give in to Mr. NFL or any other money pushing organization. So to the God fearing Christians in Georgia or any other of the States with weak godless Governor’s like Nathan Deal you are welcome to come to Texas. It is my fear that Christians are fearing the government so much they are afraid to speak; I pray I am wrong. We need to remember that while people like Commissioner Roger Goodell, Bruce Springsteen, or any other thug who wants to take the rights of Christians away for the rights of Gays, (who still are still an abomination to God” will account to God. Leviticus 18:22 “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” No matter how right the world makes it, it will never be right with God. Now, please understand it is not my condemnation of Gay people, I am not their judge and therefore I pray for them. But God still sits on the throne and He will never change. As a Pastor I personally welcome all people to the Church for worship. However, please understand what God says about your life style. People ought to be protected, even Christians, therefore do not force Christians to be acceptant of anyone or any act that God calls an abomination. However, with this all being said let us now define “everlasting consolation”. It means that as Christians God has given to us an everlasting “comfort – or solace” through Jesus Christ. It is a comfort to know that God is Sovereign and all His will is always done. People like Commissioner Roger Goodell, Gov. Nathan Deal, or even the Bruce Springsteen’s of the world can persecute Christians all they want but God is still in charge and it is His Blessed Son Jesus Christ whom they will pay account to one day. What these people ignorantly do not understand is that they are condemning one group of people for another. Christians ought to have a right to bake or not bake a cake for whomever they choose, just like Gay people ought to have a right to shop or don’t shop wherever they choose. Christian, God is our protector and our comfort is in Him, therefore let us not give in to these people, let us standfirm on God’s word and not give into the pressures of the world. We need to understand that the world is not going to get better for Christians, it will only get worse and worse. When “money people” like the NFL start to stick their nose into other people’s business then it only worsens the problem. God said, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” 1 Timothy 6:10 but as Christians our peace is in Jesus Christ.