“For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness:
neither shall evil dwell with thee.” Psalms 5:4
I believe, in the times we now live in, and as evil that has
captured the world more and more, people believes God is “ok” with the evil of
the world. Please, never be fooled by the actions of this Satanic controlled world,
nor weak, full of nothing churches and Pastors today. There are things about
God that so many have either forgotten or simply never learned about God, God will never change! Any sort of homosexually
is still sinful to God, it has been from the beginning and God will not change
on it or any other sinful acts. Abortion is still murder, and that will never
change either. If God has called it a sin, murder or evil, it is still the same
today. Please take this warning, no one, and I mean no one can change God, His
Word, or His personality. “For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons
of Jacob are not consumed.” Malachi 3:6 What a blessing for the Israelites that
God did not change, because if He had He would have destroyed them long ago. God
said of Himself in Revelation 1:8 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the
ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the
Almighty.” If God is the beginning and the end, and the first and the last,
then what else is there. One small detail most people do not understand about
our Sovereign God is, that everything is done by His predetermined will. Therefore,
God has not already consumed us. If people would stop listening to those weak,
watered down preachers, and would learn that God is going to punish sin. People
are not winning against God, He is not “ok” with the evils of this world. God
said He has NO PLEASURES in sin or evil. And those that commit such evil and
try to force it on other will also not walk with God, and why would they, God
hates them. “The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all
workers of iniquity.” Psalms 5:5 preacher are foolish and they tell not the
truth, God hates the WORKERS as well as the sin. People need to hear the truth
and not a watered-down version. People need to hear that God is going to punish
evil and the evil doers. People are going to the eternal lake of fire for their
sins if they are not washed and pardoned by the glorious blood of Jesus Christ.
Preachers today are weak, and watered down, most of them know nothing of God or
His word. God calls them the blind and He says they are leading the blind, well
that has the eternal lake of fire written all over it. Matthew 15:14 “Let them
alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind,
both shall fall into the ditch.” And God tells us to “Let them alone…” not to
even try to make them see the truth. Let them go, let then enjoy the lies they
teach, let them go to the fires of hell, because there is nothing we can do to
change them or their ways. So, when preachers tell you that things have changed
with God, His word, and His churches, believe them not. It’s just some bling
preacher driving a bunch of blind people right into the ditch of Eternal Hell. Matthew
25:30 “And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be
weeping and gnashing of teeth.” And please notice the words “unprofitable
servant”. Folks, it is my plea and prayer that people see the truth of our
Sovereign God before the car hits the ditch of eternal hell. God has not
changed, He cannot change. Do not believe the PhD lies from the artificial church
pulpits, God is the same and He is not going to change, EVER!
Saturday, July 22, 2017
God Will Never Have Pleasure In Wickedness.
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
9:27 PM