“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion,
that they should believe a lie: (12.) That they all might be damned who
believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thessalonians
It appears to me that many people have issues with this
verse of scriptures. I have read this explained away in so many different ways,
it makes you wonder if they have any idea. People just cannot accept the fact
about God’s Sovereignty no matter how the scriptures explains it. I get tired
of people who simply reject God and who He truly is. Let me be crystal clear
here, God does as He pleases,
saves who He pleases, and does with people as He pleases. Serving God is not a
choice on our parts but rather a choice of God. If God chooses not to save, but
only a small remnant then that is God’s choice and that choice is without fault
or guilt. God is not obligated to save sinners, any of them, but does so
by grace and mercy on a remnant of unworthy sinners. God was not obligated to
save Jacob, He chose to and also chose to let Esau go to hell. God did not have
to choose Israel, but He did and did so over the other nations of the world. It
was not Pharaoh who hardened his own heart, but God. God has the absolute right
to do as He pleases as long as the work is not sinful. It is not sinful or
unjust for God to refuse to save certain sinners, because He does not have to
save a single one. It is not sinful if God creates one sinner an adopted child
and creates another person to betray Jesus Christ i.e. Judas Iscariot. God is
the creator of everything, and it is His pleasure to do as He pleases with that
creation. The question was asked in Romans 9:21 “Hath not the potter power over
the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto
dishonour?” and the answer is found in verse 23 “And that he might make known the
riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared
unto glory,” God has the right to make any vessel as He chooses, God owes
no one anything. Therefore, it is no wrong thing if God sends people “strong
delusion” that they do not believe the truth. People will naturally believe the
lie of Satan; therefore, God is simply keeping them in their natural lost self,
allowing them to be led by the nose by Satan. See, God does not have to cause a
person to sin, it is natural, nor does He have to cause people to believe the
lies of Satan, they naturally do it. When the scriptures say, “Wherefore God
also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts,
to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:” Romans 1:24 it does not mean
that God changed them, He just never saved them. Sin comes naturally to people,
so does following Satan and his lies, therefore God just never redeems them.
The thinking that God has to accept all who believe is simply false. God saves
sinners as He has chosen them to be His adoptive children before the creation
of the world. However, the saddest part of everything is when people fail to
see the Sovereignty of God, and make false suggestions that God wants everyone
to be saved. Here we see the opposite, we see God sending these folks “strong
delusion” so that they will never believe on Jesus Christ. “That they all might
be damned who believed not the truth” They do not believe because God never
made them to repent. People fail to give God the glory He has earned in saving
a remnant of the world, making it so that they will never believe. Look at this
example, God could actually come to this earth in the form of a man, do exceedingly
strong miracles and wonders, and they still would not believe. If that will not
change people, then what makes one believe that they will ever believe. Only a Sovereign
God can cause a sinner to leave the vomit called sin and worship Him. God has
given them up, three time in Romans 1 verse 24, 26, 26 God gave them up to sin.
Even some of them worshiped God, but in a lie. Verse 23 "And changed the
glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and
to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things." They worshiped God
in a false way, believing lies over truth.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
God, Will Send Then Strong Delusions.
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
6:39 AM