“The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and
the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven
churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.”
Revelation 1:20
We are always reminded in the scriptures of whom we are. We
are sinners saved by grace, we are church members by the choosing and setting
in place by God, and we serve by God’s grace. We come to a better understand
over the years and appreciate it more as we grow in the wisdom of God. This is what
the Apostille Paul was talking about when he wrote “But by the grace of God I am what I am…”1 Corinthians 15:10 I am so
blessed to be a minister in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and more blessed to
have been more so selected to be a Pastor of one of the Lord’s Churches. We
sometimes speak of how church is to thank God for the Pastors, how the church should
bless their Pastors, but what about the Pastors the churches? What a place in the
church to be, her Pastor! Praise God for His wonderful gift to me and those
like me. I love being a child of God, it is the most blessed of all His
creation, and it will be the most exciting in the time called eternity. I think
sometimes, what the future holds for us poor worthless sinners that God chose
before the foundation of the world to save. Sometimes, I simply get lost in my
thought, I love to wonder when the Lord might return and rapture us all out of
this evil, God hating world. What a blessed thought! Then, we must return our
thoughts to what is real right now, and that is continuing the work of God on
this earth and in the churches. I am a Pastor, a man that God has set in this
church to feed, love, care for, and to protect with everything I have and
everything Christ gives me to do so. I pray that what I do is enough, and in
the end Jesus Christ, the churches Head, the judge of all the lost and saved will
say “job well done”! But I must be consistently reminded again, even with the
fight I put into the work, “…by the grace
of God I am what I am…” These seven churches in Revelations are not only
seven local churches but also seven periods of time of the “church age”. The
church age began when Jesus first called her out, brought her together, and
spoke to her, and set her in Jerusalem. Her end will be when Jesus returns for
the rapture. Through time she has been through many troublesome times, times
where members were slaughtered for the cause of Christ, and until today which
is the time of apostasy. But with every moment of this time, Jesus Christ has
stood in the circle of the churches. Every time the church gathers, she gathers
for one reason, to hear the message God has sent her through her Pastor. This
is the reason that as Pastors we need never forget our commission “feed my
sheep”. Feed them with the message that Jesus Christ has put in your heart, you
are the mouth piece of Jesus Christ on this earth. As Pastors, we are the seven
stars, messenger’s, Pastors to the local churches, and Jesus Christ, the one in
the center of the churches, the one who holds us in His right hand has sent for
this, so, very important work. As Pastors we will do what Jesus Christ wants, say
what He wants, and do what he wants without fear of anyone in all creation,
because He holds us all in His right hand. Personally, I cannot think of a more
blessed place to be as the churches pulpit, nor a more blessed time to be than
right here in the year of our Lord 2018! So, no matter what that time brings, Satan
and the world brings to us, no matter the time of Apostasy is here, and the churches
are small in number, I know Jesus Christ holds me in His right hand, there is
no better place to be than that. So, Pastors, hold your head up, do your called
and ordained work, and keep looking-up, our Head is coming soon. May God bless
us all in 2018, and remember where you are and Who is holding you.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
The Seven Stars, Look Where They Are.
Posted by
Pastor Randy Johnson
8:53 PM