Saturday, March 24, 2018

“How Is Man? How Abominable And Filthy Is Man”

“What is man, that he should be clean? and he which is born of a woman, that he should be righteous? (16.) How much more abominable and filthy is man, which drinketh iniquity like water?” Job 15:14 

What is man, what is mankind truly like, and how goes God view mankind. When we ask these questions, we must be prepared for the truth of the scriptures. Well folks, here is the truth of the scriptures, mankind outside of Jesus Christ is totally rotten. They are totally worthless to God, and they do not serve Him, they do not know Him, and they constantly lie about Him. Job asked, “What is man, that he should be clean” and the answer is mankind is not clean, they are filthier than the worms in the ground. People have been fed a pack of lies all their life, from their mother, from their spouse, from their family and friends, from their churches, and from their Pastors. People are not good, how can they be, they are sinners against God. They are born sinners and will die sinners if God does not save their wicked souls. The churches and their Pastors have lied about the status of people for thousands of years. They want people to believe that there is good in everyone, that God loves everyone, and that if we can just cause people to see their errors in life then we can cause them to repent and choose to follow Christ. That is the biggest pack of lies ever to fall from the lips of pastors. God has nothing good to say about people, He never speaks of any good in them at all. The truth is that God calls mankind “abominable” that means they are -  morally detested – which means - dislike intensely – which means, God doesn’t think anything good about mankind. People can put mankind on a moral pedestal if they want too, but God condemns them for the sinners they are. God never speaks well of mankind, He never credits them with any good, and point blank says that the only good in mankind is Jesus Christ. Saul of Tarsus was a very rotten man but was only good after he was saved by Jesus Christ, and the only good Paul ever done was what he did for God, through the workings of the Holy Spirit. We cannot speak of the good of man because God said “…There is none righteous, no, not one” Romans 3:10. That is not some people, that is all people. People says that “God loves everyone” If God does love everyone then why isn’t every person saved? Oh, and it’s not about their choice, “There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.” Romans 3:11 If the Holy Spirit does not prick a sinner’s heart and cause them to repent, then they will never ever change, no matter what. Look around you, see the world of people around you, what do you see, EVIL. Peoples hearts are full of hate, they hate for the sake of hating. People are evil in every thought, they never do good nor do they want to do good. God is mad at people, why do you think we have so many bad things that happen to us, diseases, hurricanes, tornadoes, shootings, and other disasters? God punishes evil in this world, He punishes evil because a righteous God must punish evil. God destroyed this entire earth population with a flood because it was evil, what make you believe He is not judging this world with all other happenings today? But people want to believe it is “global warming”, or it is just evil people, or other things causes these things to happen, but God, a loving God would never do or even allow such things to happen. Well, with that kind of thinking, you don’t know God. God is Sovereign, and He controls EVERYTHING! If you study Revelations, you will find that God is not as sympathetic toward people as you might think. He is going to slowly afflict much more pain and misery on the population of this world than it has ever seen. Why, because people are evil, and they deserve every ounce of fury that God can inflict on them. Just as He did in the flood, He will eventually destroy the entire population of the earth. “And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.” Revelation 20:9 that is the remaining population of the earth, all those good people you keep hearing about. Folks, the truth is mankind are filthy, they are an abomination to God. The truth is, God does not love everyone and if you are not saved by Jesus Christ then you are not loved of God either. You are a sinner against God, and He will destroy you unless you flee to Jesus Christ for salvation. Think about it, who did God destroy in the flood, all but eight souls, who will He destroy in this world today, all but those who are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. People are evil no matter what you believe, “…let God be true, but every man a liar…” Romans 3:4 Listen closely to this scripture, “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:18